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Center for Educational Research and Evaluation
Center for Educational Research and Evaluation
研究目的:候用校長教育局處行政實習【局處實習】是臺灣校長培訓的一項新興方案。局處實習讓候用校長的行政實習,從學校場域跨域到教育行政機關。本研究旨在探究三個縣市個案中局處實習的實施情形。研究目的為瞭解局處實習的內容特徵、實習校長的實踐經驗,分析並反省局處實習對於實習校長和教育局處所產生的可能影響。研究設計/方法/取徑:本研究採取質性取向的多重個案研究,依立意抽樣選擇三個縣市之局處實習方案為研究個案。資料蒐集方法以深度訪談和文件分析為主,三個個案縣市總計訪談29 人。研究發現或結論:本研究之結論有四:(一)個案縣市中局處實習方案的內容特徵包含:以行政工作為本位的場域實習模式、長期集中式的實習規劃、官方論述展現出從行政支援轉向校長培訓的合理化趨向;(二)局處實習實踐使實習校長跨域社會化於行政科層規範與體制,獲得不同於學校校務實習的教育行政經驗;(三)在個體層面上,局處實習增益實習校長的行政能力、系統性思維、政策理解與執行動力、局處運作的理解和局處人脈網絡的建立;(四)在組織層面上,局處實習為教育局處暫時緩解內部人事頻繁更迭的問題,充實內部人力資源;亦有助於形塑「校長-局處」更緊密的互惠連結關係,有利行政業務推動,強化政策落實的績效。研究原創性/價值:近十年間候用校長局處實習方案已迅速遍及臺灣各縣市政府中,然在本研究進行之前,國內外鮮少有局處實習的實徵性研究。本研究結果除補足國內過去鮮少關注局處實習的研究罅隙,亦可作為各縣市政府規劃與推行候用校長局處實習之參考。同時,本研究結果亦增進了國內外校長培訓研究對於「另類實習」的理解。
Purpose:The aspiring principals’ administrative internship (AI) set at thelocal education bureau is an emerging principal preparation programimplemented throughout Taiwan. The program enables aspiringprincipals to develop administrative practices that can be transferred from the school campus to educational administration units. Thisstudy aims to explore how the AI program was implemented in three different cities/counties and to investigate the program features as well as the participation experience of the aspiring principals. Furthermore, this study analyzes and reviews the impact of the AI program on the aspiring principals and the local education bureaus. Design/methodology/approach: The research adopted a qualitative approach with a multiple case study design. A purposive sampling method was utilized to select theAI programs of the three cities/counties as the cases to be studied. Data were mainly collected through in-depth interviews anddocument analysis, and a total of twenty-nine participants were interviewed from the three cities/counties. Findings: This study came to four conclusions: 1. The case study revealed the following features of the AI program: the program is an administration-based, field-practice-oriented internship; the program is long term and intensive; the role of the AI has discursively shifted from providing administrative support to providing principal training programs. 2. Participation in the AI program provides a cross-fieldsocialization opportunity to the aspiring principals to develop an understanding of the educational regulations and systems from a government administrative perspective and obtain an educational administration experience that would otherwise not be encountered in the regular campus environment. 3. On an individual level, the AIprogram has improved the aspiring principals’ administrative capabilities, systematic thinking, and understanding of both the policies and the policy implementation process as well as the oper
Purpose:The aspiring principals’ administrative internship (AI) set at thelocal education bureau is an emerging principal preparation programimplemented throughout Taiwan. The program enables aspiringprincipals to develop administrative practices that can be transferred from the school campus to educational administration units. Thisstudy aims to explore how the AI program was implemented in three different cities/counties and to investigate the program features as well as the participation experience of the aspiring principals. Furthermore, this study analyzes and reviews the impact of the AI program on the aspiring principals and the local education bureaus. Design/methodology/approach: The research adopted a qualitative approach with a multiple case study design. A purposive sampling method was utilized to select theAI programs of the three cities/counties as the cases to be studied. Data were mainly collected through in-depth interviews anddocument analysis, and a total of twenty-nine participants were interviewed from the three cities/counties. Findings: This study came to four conclusions: 1. The case study revealed the following features of the AI program: the program is an administration-based, field-practice-oriented internship; the program is long term and intensive; the role of the AI has discursively shifted from providing administrative support to providing principal training programs. 2. Participation in the AI program provides a cross-fieldsocialization opportunity to the aspiring principals to develop an understanding of the educational regulations and systems from a government administrative perspective and obtain an educational administration experience that would otherwise not be encountered in the regular campus environment. 3. On an individual level, the AIprogram has improved the aspiring principals’ administrative capabilities, systematic thinking, and understanding of both the policies and the policy implementation process as well as the oper