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En-Mei Wang

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戰後,中華民國與大韓民國以反共為基礎,追求相互的合作與友好關係, 彼此稱呼兩國關係為「兄弟之邦」、「堅強盟友」,不斷對內外宣傳兩國的反共 同盟關係。然而,兩國的反共同盟關係並沒有如表面般順利進行,實際上兩國 不僅沒有簽訂軍事同盟,連象徵友好關係的「中韓友好條約」也遲至1964 年 才簽訂。中華民國曾數次提出簽訂友好條約的要求,都遭韓國政府拒絕。韓國 拒絕的最重要原因在於「韓國華僑問題」。換言之,「韓國華僑問題」是「中韓 友好條約」的最大障礙因素。因此本文將探討韓國華僑問題對「中韓友好條約」 簽訂過程所產生的影響,並分析韓國政府何以如此重視「韓國華僑問題」與「中 韓友好條約」簽訂過程中的雙方利益衝突。透過「中韓友好條約」的簽訂過程, 我們可以了解表面看來毫無衝突的兩者間,其實隱含著各自利益之衝突,可以 顯現出東亞反共同盟隱藏的多元且複雜的面貌。
After World War II, the Republic of China and the Republic of Korea sought mutual cooperation and amity on the basis of anti-communism. The two nations used terms such as “brotherly nations” and “strong alliance” to refer to the relation between them. Despite the continuous publicizing both within the nations and internationally, the anti-communist alliance of the ROC and ROK did not run as smoothly as it seemed. In fact, the two nations have never entered into a treaty of military alliance. “Treaty of Amity between the Republic of China and the Republic of Korea”, a treaty representing their amity, was not even signed until 1964. The ROK had rejected several times suggestions made by the ROC to sign a treaty of amity, mainly due to “the issue of overseas Chinese in Korea”. In other words, “the issue of overseas Chinese in Korea” was the crucial obstacle to the signing of the “Treaty of Amity between the Republic of China and the Republic of Korea”. This article investigates the influences of the issue of overseas Chinese in Korea on the signing of the “Treaty of Amity between the Republic of China and the Republic of Korea” and analyzes the reasons behind the focus of the Korean government on “the issue of overseas Chinese in Korea” and the contradiction of interests during the signing process. Through the signing of “Treaty of Amity between the Republic of China and the Republic of Korea”, conflicts of interest between the two seemingly harmonious nations are revealed, indicating the complexity andpluralism aspect of the East Asian anti-communist allegiance.







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