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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education National Taiwan Normal University


本研究的主要目的在發展一套適用於專業助人工作者自殺與自我傷害防治之課程教學與教材 設計,以社工系學生自殺與自我傷害防治課程為介入範例,在發展過程中運用自殺與自我傷害防治相關理論,在教學內容及策略上,以「學生中心」為主要發展概 念,充分考慮專業助人工作者實務操作之狀況,並考量教師在教學輔助媒體與教材設計上的可用性與可近性,進行本套教材的設計發展。本教學設計的教學目標主要 以三大主軸發展,包括:一、對自殺與自我傷害原因與防治方法之多元了解。二、對自殺與自我傷害者及自殺遺族的危機處理與諮商輔導工作。三、助人工作者自我 之壓力與心理調適。本教材先透過文獻收集擬定初稿,再與專家學者、實務工作者及學生的意見訪談溝通,並藉由訪談結果之分析整理,擬定本教學設計在發展時所 應考量的教學重點,並融入專業助人工作者實務工作特色,採用吸引學生學習動機之各項元素,進行教學方案之內容設計,將教學教材與教學活動及理論背景做有效 的聯結,最後修改定稿。 共有130位社工系四年級學生於接受十四週每週二小時的教學介入活動,課程結束後,填寫課程評價問卷,以無記名的結構式問題進行調查,作為量化成效分析之 依據;課程進行中,填寫「課程回饋表」及「分組活動學習單」做為質化資料分析之依據。扣除無效問卷,共得124份有效問卷。分析結果發現,量化分析中,學 生對教學活動整體的成效評價介於非常滿意及滿意之間;教學活動形式及教育意涵的評價介於非常滿意及滿意之間,都有極正向的回饋。質化資料分析亦顯示學生於 此課程介入後,對課程的學習與收穫、對課程印象最深刻的部分及對課程的總回饋與建議,皆有正向影響及更深入的思考與成長,並建議可以有更多的課程時數。因 此,本教材確能透過具理論背景之教學活動課程,讓社工系四年級學生,未來需從事專業助人工作者,習得專業助人工作者自殺防治之實務技巧,進而提升其行動 力,本課程可提供相關單位在推廣專業助人工作者自殺防治課程訓練時一個重要且有力的教學工具。最後,根據研究結果提出結論與建議,以作為學校教育、輔導工 作及未來研究提出具體建議。
The purpose of this research is to develop and evaluate an effective of suicide and self injury prevention education teaching program for the professional mental health workers. Suicide and self injury prevention theories were applied to the development of these teaching materials. This set of teaching materials was designed on the basis of the "student-centered" teaching strategy. The usability and accessibility for teaching medium of teachers were also considered in the process of development. The content of this teaching program includes three main directions: (1) the reasons of suicide and self injury, (2) the theories of suicide and self injury prevention, (3) the stress coping and adjustment for the professional mental health workers. The participants are all chosen from the students of department of social work of one university. 14 weeks' suicide and self injury prevention education teaching program are to be practiced. This research is used an evaluation scale to conduct after practice. The evaluation scale is used to evaluated to see how the education teaching program will affect the skills of professional mental health workers. This research also use the education teaching program feedbacks from all the participants for each course to collected and used for quality analysis. As a result, 124 aboriginal students completed a satisfaction evaluation questionnaire after receiving the education teaching program. A structured questionnaire was used and found that students had positive feedback to effective evaluations of the entire teaching activities, the teaching activity types, and the educational contents. The results are found this suicide and self injury prevention education teaching program for the professional mental health workers has a very effective and satisfactive evaluations. Analysis from quality data are also shown that the participants have very positive evaluations and positive change after the education teaching program is taken. Finally, the






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