

本研究主要目的為瞭解家長促進幼童居家安全的現況,並探討「促進幼童居家安全自我導向學習課程」介入對家長之居家環境設施、居家環境管理行為、幼童居家安全態度、幼童居家安全改善實況的影響,以及家長對該介入課程的評價。 研究方法採準實驗設計,立意選取桃園縣內5所幼稚園、托兒所之237名幼童家長為研究對象(實驗組110人,對照組127人)進行為期四週的教學實驗,兩組均於實驗前給予以前測,並分別於實驗後二週、實驗後六週施以後測、後後測。 研究資料以配對t檢定、多元迴歸等方法分析,結果發現(1)研究對象的「幼童居家安全態度」、「居家環境設施」偏低、「居家環境管理行為」偏向正向。(2)「促進幼童居家安全自我導向學習課程」對家長的「居家環境設施」、「幼童居家安全改善實況」得分有顯著提昇之立即效果,但對「幼童居家安全態度」、「居家環境管理行為」之得分改善的立即效果不顯著。(3)「促進幼童居家安全自我導向學習課程」對家長的「居家環境設施」、「幼童居家安全改善實況」得分有顯著提昇之短期效果,但對「幼童居家安全態度」、「居家環境管理行為」之得分改變的短期效果不顯著。(4)參與「促進幼童居家安全自我導向學習課程」的研究對象,對此課程的內容及實用性均表示高度的肯定,並在學習過程中獲得成就感。 最後根據研究過程及研究結果提出以下建議:利用幼稚園所的親職教育活動或親師座談會舉行、規劃親子共同參與的居家安全課程、建立學校、家長、社區的夥伴關係、訓練同儕教育者、進行長期教育效果評估、重視幼童居家安全教育中的不利群體..等建議,以提供實務及後續研究之參考。
This research mainly explores the current state of child home safety promoted by parents, and evaluates the effects of an 「child home safety promotion self-directed learning approach of parents」intervention on the home environment facilities, home environment manage behavior、attitude to child home safety and the situation of child home safety improving of parents, and understands how is parents’ evaluation of this intervention. Methodologically:the research adopts the quasi-experimental design, targeting 237 parents of children in 5 infant school or daycare centers of Taoyuan county (110 parents from experiment , 127 parents from control group), the course of self-directed learning lasted for 4 weeks, the experiment and the control groups both have the pre-test before starting the experiment and have the post-test for two weeks and the post-post-test for six weeks after the experiment. The research data are analyzed through the pair t-test and regression analysis. The results include:(1)「attitude to child home safety」and「home environment facilities」is rather insufficient, and「home environment manage behavior」are positive.(2)「child home safety promotion self-directed learning approach」has obvious effects on 「home environment facilities」 and 「actuality situation of child home safety improving」, but not on「attitude to child home safety」 and 「home environment manage behavior」.(3)「child home safety promotion self-directed learning approach」has apparent short-term effects on their 「home environment facilities」and 「actuality situation of child home safety improving」, but not on their 「attitude to child home safety」 and 「home environment manage behavior」.(4)parents attended for the education felt highly appreciated in the class, and felt the achievement via learning process. According to the process and the results, the suggestions:(1)The education class can be associated with parents’ education and parent-teacher meetings hours.(2)The home safety education class can be designed for parent-children’s curriculum (3)Establish a partnership between the school, the parents and the community.(4)Peer educator training (5)Future study should also include evaluation on long term effects of education(6)Pay more attention in the disadvantaged group of child home safety education served as a reference for the application and related researches.



居家安全, 幼童, 自我導向學習, 家長, home safety, child, self-directed learning, parents

