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本研究以一所鄉村型國中的學生為研究對象,採訪談法,以了解他們對補習的觀點。研究發現,他們對補習的觀點分為「補習即練功」、「補習即放風放空」、「拒絕補習,將補習get out」三種。補習即練功的學生,肯定補習的價值,認為藉補習持續加強課業,能提升學科實力及應考功力;補習即放風放空的學生,無心學習,視補習班為玩樂、消磨時間的地方;拒絕補習,將補習get out的學生,則因各種因素,無法補習或認為補習沒必要。 學生的補習觀與學校教師教學效能、學生個人條件、家庭社經背景、補習班老師的教學與管理等因素相關。學校教學是否讓學生理解、是否足以應付升學考試,學生本身的資質、讀書習慣、自我教育抱負、課業學習態度,家長經濟能力、對補習所持態度,補習班老師的教學、對學生的管理要求等,形塑學生不同的補習觀。
The research aims to describe junior high school students’ perspectives on shadow education. To do this, the researcher interviewed junior high school students in a rural area. The results show that students’ perspectives on shadow education can be divided into 「Lian Gong」, 「Fang Feng」, and 「Fang Kong」 three categories. Shadow education is considered helpful by 「Lian Gong」 students. With the instruction and training provided by shadow education, 「Lian Gong」 students improve their academic performance and examination skills. 「Fang Feng」 students don’t take shadow education seriously. Instead of studying, they do whatever they like during shadow education period. Some students get shadow education out. They either think of shadow education unnecessary or can’t afford the tuition. Students themselves, their family backgrounds, the teachers at school, and the instructors of shadow education systems are factors that relate to students’ perspectives on shadow education. Many students decide to receive shadow education or not based on their learning quality at school. Students’ talent, educational aspiration, study habits, and learning attitudes influence their perspectives on shadow education. In addition, students’ family financial resources, their parents’ attitude, and shadow education instructors’ requirements also play a role in shaping students’ perspectives on shadow education.



國中學生, 補習, 補習觀, junior high school students, shadow education, perspectives on shadow education

