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理查‧史特勞斯 (Richard Strauss, 1864-1949) 是德國浪漫樂派晚期重要的音樂家,是知名指揮家也是作曲家,被喻為是李斯特 (Franz Liszt, 1811-1886) 交響詩、華格納 (Richard Wagner, 1813-1883) 歌劇的傳人。 史特勞斯主要創作管弦樂、歌劇和歌曲,隨著年紀不同作品風格有所改變,從年輕時期的古典樂派,中年時期的大膽自由手法,晚年時期又回歸古典。此首《大提琴奏鳴曲作品6》是史特勞斯早期重要的大提琴作品,由於父親是位優秀的法國號樂手,自幼受到音樂的薰陶,在創作此大提琴奏鳴曲時,更深受父親的理念影響,由此可知父親對他的影響之大。 透過撰寫本文得知史特勞斯大提琴奏鳴曲相關的人文背景,再從各樂章樂曲分析清楚知道他的作曲技巧,更加瞭解此曲音樂創作動機,並把筆者的演奏法以文字記錄下來。
Richard Strauss (1864-1949) was a well-known composer and conductor. Representing the last musician of the late German Romanticism, he has considered commonly a successor to the symphonic poem for Franz Liszt (1811-1886) and opera for Richard Wagner (1813-1883). Strauss's compositions mainly include orchestral music, operas, and songs. Among his works, his style is very changeable which written in different forms with ages, from the classical music of the young stage to courageously free skills in the prime of year, and returned to the classical touch in his later life. Strauss's father was an excellent French horn player. In addition to his formal teachers, his father guided him deeply musically on developing taste. With his father's philosophy and classical music teaching in creating this first cello sonata, the influence of his father on Strauss's composition was profound. In this thesis, we will focus on this Cello Sonata in F Major, Op. 6 that is the only cello classical music created by Strauss in his youth. In the first part, we will introduce the background of Strauss's whole life and the characteristic style of works, and then clearly understand his composition skills through the music analysis of each movement. In the last part, we become more familiar with the music creation motivation of this song by interpretation of the author’s performance.



理查‧史特勞斯, 大提琴奏鳴曲, Richard Strauss, Cello Sonata





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