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台灣已邁入高齡化社會,人口老化所帶來的問題及現象是全民必須共同來面對的議題,政府目前也積極推動長照體系,室內空間的規劃也開始重視銀髮族群的使用體驗及改善。 室內空間的色彩能夠塑造空間氛圍並且影響使用者的心理情境以及感受,每一個色彩都有相對應的心理反應,讓使用者感受到不同的心理變化。在室內空間中,色彩所營造出來的氛圍能夠給予使用者傳達最直接的感受,因此,在室內空間色彩的規劃上為了符合銀髮族心理上的需求,研究方法上以案例分析法分析國外長照機構案例色彩中的色相、彩度、明度的使用趨勢,歸納出常用的數值範圍,並以文獻探討法探討色彩心理學對於銀髮族的心理反應,整理出一個配色通則。 銀髮族空間色彩的研究結果說明,銀髮族接受樸素典雅、簡潔明亮之空間色彩,也就是高明度、低彩度之色相。在背景色彩(Background color)上還是以白色色彩為主要配色,地板則以暖色系色相、中、低彩度,高明度之色彩為主。主體色彩(Dominant color)以及強調色彩(Accent color)以低彩度、高明度和暖色系之色相為主,並以中性色系(灰色)來平衡、協調整體空間色彩。
Taiwan has entered the era of the aging society. The problems and phenomenon brought by the aging population must be faced by all the people. The government is actively promoting the Long-Term Care Services System, the planning of the interior space of public building is also concerned about the experiences and needs of the elderly, and how to improve our public building. The color of the interior space can create an atmosphere and affect the users' psychology and feelings. Each color has its own corresponding psychological affect, and the users have different reactions and direct impact to each of them. Therefore, in order to meet the psychological needs of the elderly regarding the interior color, there are a few foreign care organizations which analyze the use of Hue, Chroma and Value, and summarize the commonly used data range to develop a general rule of coloring. The result of the study about the color of the elderly interior space shows that the senior can accept the simple and elegant colors. They find that the colors of high Value and low Chroma are still the principal colors for the background; the warm color Hue, low Chroma and high Value are for the floor. Dominant Color and Accent color would mainly use low Chroma, high Value and warm Hue; the neutral color (gray) is used to balance and coordinate the overall space colors.



銀髮族, 室內設計, 色彩心理學, Elderly, Interior design, Color psychology





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