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這項研究以消費者購買家具和家飾品的意願作為主要研究對象,旨在探討如何透過產品特性來提高消費者對這些產品的購買意願。近年來,受到疫情的影響,人們在家中度過的時間增加,居家辦公、居家運動、以及居家生活等日常活動都在家裡完成,因此對於家具和家飾品的重要性也更加凸顯。本研究旨在探討當消費者選購家具和家飾品時,哪些產品特性對其購買意願影響最大。該研究的目的是為相關產業或有興趣的業者提供進貨採購上的參考和建議。我們透過文獻搜索和層級分析,比較了十種主要的產品特性,包括「材質」、「設計」、「功能」、「品牌」、「價格」、「生產國」、「流行性/美觀」、「耐用程度」、「配送管道」和「退換貨服務」。採用問卷調查和層級分析(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP),我們建立了評估這些十種產品特性相對重要性的問卷層級分析模型。從研究結果顯示,消費者在選購家具家飾品時,最優先考慮的產品特性依次為材質(23.0%)、功能(18.2%)、品牌(13.4%)、設計(13.1%)、價格(9.3%)、耐用程度(8.6%)、生產國(5.3%)、流行性(4.5%)、退換貨(2.4%)和最低配送管道(2.2%)。根據上述權重評估,我們可以看出這十種產品特性都會影響消費者在選購家具家飾品時的考慮因素。其中,材質和功能被認為是最重要的因素,消費者通常會以產品的材質和功能來評估產品的品質和價值。品牌、設計和價格也是消費者在選購過程中考慮的重要因素,它們影響消費者的購買決策和滿意度。其他因素對消費者的影響程度較低,但仍然具有一定的重要性。然而,進一步針對性別來做權重,得出結果為女性較注重流行性(23.2%),男性則著重於材質(19.0%)和功能(18.8%)。這些結果對於相關產業和業者來說是有價值的,他們可以根據這些研究結果來了解消費者的需求和偏好,並在產品的設計、行銷和銷售策略中做出相應的調整,以提高產品的競爭力和滿意度。
This study explores consumer purchasing intent for furniture and home decor products and examines the impact of product attributes. The study acknowledges the increased significance of furniture and home decor due to the pandemic and the increased time spent at home.This study examines how product attributes influence consumer purchasing decisions for furniture and home decor. It offers valuable insights for industries and businesses in terms of procurement and purchasing strategies. The research utilized literature review and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze ten key attributes, such as material, design, functionality, brand, price, country of production, trendiness/appearance, durability, delivery channels, and return/exchange services. A hierarchical analysis model was developed using a questionnaire survey and AHP to evaluate the relative importance of these attributes.The research results indicate that when consumers purchase furniture and home decor, the most prioritized product attributes are material (23.0%), functionality (18.2%), brand (13.4%), design (13.1%), price (9.3%), durability (8.6%), country of production (5.3%), trendiness (4.5%), return/exchange policies (2.4%), and delivery channels (2.2%). Based on the weighted evaluations, it is evident that all ten product attributes influence consumers' considerations when selecting furniture and home decor. Material and functionality are considered the most important factors as consumers typically assess product quality and value based on these attributes. Brand, design, and price are also significant factors influencing consumers' purchasing decisions and satisfaction. Other factors have a relatively lower impact on consumers but still hold a certain level of importance. However, a further analysis focusing on gender reveals that women prioritize trendiness (23.2%) while men place more emphasis on material (19.0%). These findings provide valuable insights for industries and businesses, enabling them to align their product design or marketing with consumer needs and preferences.
This study explores consumer purchasing intent for furniture and home decor products and examines the impact of product attributes. The study acknowledges the increased significance of furniture and home decor due to the pandemic and the increased time spent at home.This study examines how product attributes influence consumer purchasing decisions for furniture and home decor. It offers valuable insights for industries and businesses in terms of procurement and purchasing strategies. The research utilized literature review and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze ten key attributes, such as material, design, functionality, brand, price, country of production, trendiness/appearance, durability, delivery channels, and return/exchange services. A hierarchical analysis model was developed using a questionnaire survey and AHP to evaluate the relative importance of these attributes.The research results indicate that when consumers purchase furniture and home decor, the most prioritized product attributes are material (23.0%), functionality (18.2%), brand (13.4%), design (13.1%), price (9.3%), durability (8.6%), country of production (5.3%), trendiness (4.5%), return/exchange policies (2.4%), and delivery channels (2.2%). Based on the weighted evaluations, it is evident that all ten product attributes influence consumers' considerations when selecting furniture and home decor. Material and functionality are considered the most important factors as consumers typically assess product quality and value based on these attributes. Brand, design, and price are also significant factors influencing consumers' purchasing decisions and satisfaction. Other factors have a relatively lower impact on consumers but still hold a certain level of importance. However, a further analysis focusing on gender reveals that women prioritize trendiness (23.2%) while men place more emphasis on material (19.0%). These findings provide valuable insights for industries and businesses, enabling them to align their product design or marketing with consumer needs and preferences.
產品特性, 購買意願, 層級分析, 家具家飾品, product attributes, purchase intention, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), furniture and home decor products