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  本研究以歷屆皆至海外同一服務地點的大學生自組國際志工團隊為主要研究對象,探討大學國際志工服務隊的團隊發展過程,首先,瞭解大學國際志工服務隊團隊之形成與成員動機;其次,探究團隊實際運作及發展狀況;最後,則分析團隊發展之影響要素。   本研究選擇質化研究方法(Qualitative Research),因團隊發展歷程具變動性且充滿未知數,需要長時間追蹤、分析,研究著重於參與團隊獨特的發展與豐富的服務內容,故透過服務隊成員的個別訪談以便瞭解團隊運作情形;並運用三角檢定法增加本研究信實度。   本研究提出三項結論: 1. 團隊形成共通性與獨特性及成員多元自主的參與動機。 2.國際志工服務隊歷經「建立關係期」、「確認目標期」、「共識願景期」、「問題衝突期」、「運作成熟期」、「團隊結束期」六個發展階段 3.影響團隊發展因素為:問題解決與決策、領導、成員互動、溝通。   對於大學國際志工服務隊的團隊發展提出四點建議: 1.團隊問題的決策需要領導者帶領,成員相互提供意見,無法解決的問題則交由時間處理。 2.領導者需經驗充足,冷靜思考、開放尊重,協調衝突、內部溝通,照應團隊夥伴。 3.國際志工需要更多彈性處理事情的方式,尊重包容彼此差異與多元文化,分享彼此的信念與價值觀。 4.良性溝通能力需要學習,領導者必須協助成員發展,建立團隊內部溝通管道協助各階段順利發展。
The purpose of this study was to explore the development progress of university international volunteer teams which had offered educational service at the same foreign country since their establishment. The establishment progress of the volunteer teams and the participation motivation of the members served as the first focus of this investigation; second, the operation and the development of the volunteer teams; last, the major factors which influence the development of the volunteer teams. Qualitative approach was adopted in this research, since the development progress of these volunteer teams was dynamic, which required a long-term investigation and analysis. The unique development progress of each team and their rich service content were the major targets of this research. Thus, individual interview of the team members was used to provide a fuller picture of the operation of each team. Triangulation was also conducted to enhance the reliability and validity. Three conclusions are drawn based on this research: 1. There is uniqueness in the establishment of the volunteer teams and in the participation motivation of each member. 2. The international volunteer teams go through the following six stages: “establishment of relationship”, “confirmation of goals”, “consensus and prospects”, “obstacles and conflicts”, “mature operation”, and “the end of the team”. 3. The major factors which influence the development of the volunteer teams are: problem-solving and decision-making, leadership, interaction among members, and communication. Four suggestions are put forward for improving the development of university international volunteer teams: 1.It requires the navigation of the leaders and the proposals from the members in problem-solving and decision-making. Inextricable problems could be left for time to undo the knot. 2.The leaders should be experienced, calm and precautious, open-minded and respectful to the members. They should navigate the reconciliation, communication, and coordination among members. 3.It takes flexible approaches for international volunteers to solve problems for the purpose of inducing mutual respect for individual and cultural differences, and the sharing of beliefs and values. 4.It takes effort to enhance communicative abilities. The leaders should be those who help the improvement of the members, and maintain a good inter-communication to facilitate the development of the team in each stage.



國際志工服務隊, 團隊發展, International Volunteer Teams, Team Development

