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本研究旨在瞭解新北市國民中學品牌行銷策略之現況,探討不同背景變項教職員對品牌行銷策略之看法。本研究採取問卷調查法,研究對象為新北市立國民中學79所學校之教職員,包括校長、兼任學校行政工作之教師(各處室主任、組長)、導師、專任教師及編制內職員,抽取樣本人數為525人,有效問卷470份。研究調查所得之資料以SPSS 12.0統計套裝軟體程式進行次數分配與百分比統計、平均數與標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計處理。
This study aims to understand the current brand marketing strategy of junior high school in New Taipei City and to explore the viewpoints of faculty member and staff with different background toward the brand marketing strategy. Facilitated with questionnaire survey, the study is targeting the faculty members and staff of 79 junior high schools in New Taipei City, including principals, school administrator, division director, teachers, and full-time staff. A total number of 473 are recovered while 525 questionnaires were issued. The data is processed by SPSS 12.0 statistical software application and presented by percentage statistics, standard deviation statistics, mean statistics, t-test, and one way ANOVA. The results of this study are listed as the following: 1. The brand marketing strategy implementation is in good condition in New Taipei junior high school, especially in the area of pricing strategy. 2. Measured with "junior high brand marketing strategies index", the faculty members and staff gain the highest score in combined government, teachers, parents, and community resources to assist of disadvantaged students to reduce tuition, insurance premium, and lunch fee, etc. 3. Measured with "junior high brand marketing strategies index", the faculty members and staff gain the lowest score in “school meets regularly to review the brand marketing strategy”. 4. The perception of "junior high school brand marketing strategies index" were significant different amount faculty members and staff with different gender, age, education background, position, position seniority, and size of the school. According to the conclusions of this study, the researchers will provide relative suggestions for faculty members and staff and for future research as reference.
This study aims to understand the current brand marketing strategy of junior high school in New Taipei City and to explore the viewpoints of faculty member and staff with different background toward the brand marketing strategy. Facilitated with questionnaire survey, the study is targeting the faculty members and staff of 79 junior high schools in New Taipei City, including principals, school administrator, division director, teachers, and full-time staff. A total number of 473 are recovered while 525 questionnaires were issued. The data is processed by SPSS 12.0 statistical software application and presented by percentage statistics, standard deviation statistics, mean statistics, t-test, and one way ANOVA. The results of this study are listed as the following: 1. The brand marketing strategy implementation is in good condition in New Taipei junior high school, especially in the area of pricing strategy. 2. Measured with "junior high brand marketing strategies index", the faculty members and staff gain the highest score in combined government, teachers, parents, and community resources to assist of disadvantaged students to reduce tuition, insurance premium, and lunch fee, etc. 3. Measured with "junior high brand marketing strategies index", the faculty members and staff gain the lowest score in “school meets regularly to review the brand marketing strategy”. 4. The perception of "junior high school brand marketing strategies index" were significant different amount faculty members and staff with different gender, age, education background, position, position seniority, and size of the school. According to the conclusions of this study, the researchers will provide relative suggestions for faculty members and staff and for future research as reference.
學校行銷, 學校品牌行銷策略, school marketing, school brand marketing strategy