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企業倫理是指企業組織內強調倫理道德觀念,顯示出一個企業對於「對」與「錯」的價值判定,企業倫理可以是企業及員工應該遵守的行為規則,它不僅可以彌補政策的不足,更是重要的管理活動之一。人際間的信任問題和信任程度會影響人們處事的行為,管理學者對此說法多無異議,沒有任何其他變數比人際信任度更能影響人際行為與團體互動;信任是人際網絡的基礎,是人際合作關係能否長期維持的關鍵,學者研究發現員工從事自主性、完整性、變化性、重要性高的工作,容易產生高度的滿足感,而這些滿足感的堆砌要件在於員工彼此之間是相互信任的,顯示個人可經由提升人際間的信任來增加工作滿意度。 因此,本研究旨在透過探討個案公司之組織內成員對企業倫理的認知及員工的信任關係對工作滿意度的影響。研究結果發現:1.企業倫理與工作滿意度具有有正向影響。2.人際信任對工作滿意度具有正向影響。3.企業倫理與人際信任具有正影響。4.企業倫理透過人際信任對工作滿意度有中介效果。
Business Ethics refers to the moral concepts within the organization, it can show a business’s value from determine what is "right" or "wrong". Business ethics is a code of conduct that companies and employees should follow. It can reinforcement the lack of policy and is a very important management activity. Many past findings advocated that interpersonal trust and trust issues will affect the way that people's doing things. There is no other variable can effect people’s interpersonal behavior and group interaction more than the others. Trust is the base of interpersonal, and it is a key of sustainability of a long-term relationship also. Study found that employees who engaged in autonomy, integrity, varied, significance and important of a work, prone to a high degree of satisfaction, which satisfaction is based on the trust between each other, showing that the job satisfaction can be increased by enhance individual’s interpersonal trust. Therefore, this study aims to examine a company's business ethics within the organization and its’ staff’s awareness of the trust relationship impact employee’s job satisfaction. The results showed that: 1. Business ethic has influence on job satisfaction. 2. Interpersonal trust has influence on job satisfaction. 3. Business ethic has influence on Interpersonal trust. 4. Interpersonal trust has an indirect positive prediction through the mediation effects of business ethic in job satisfaction.



企業倫理, 人際信任, 工作滿意度, Ethical Business, Interpersonal Trust, Job satisfaction





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