簡約風格之空間設計創作研究 –以單身居家型態之住宅為例
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「極簡主義」自1960 年代發展以來,對於當代設計所帶來極大影響與變革,其中所涉及的層面與領域包括:建築、設計、繪畫、音樂、雕刻、與其他領域,對造形的表現、思維觀念、生產模式、價值觀上的轉變都有著深遠的影響。
關鍵字 : 簡約風格、單身居家、空間設計
Abstract Since the 1960s, minimalist trends have significantly influenced contemporary creations, including architecture, design, painting, music, sculpture, and other fields. This new style profoundly affected and transformed thought processes, the expression of forms, production modes, and values. This study explores the context developed with simple style. Starting from the interior design context of simple-style contemporary residences, we focus on the impact and influence of simple interior designs on single lifestyle residences in Taipei City, Taiwan and the cultural fusion of modern life and minimalist trends. Using literary review and case analysis, this study found that the key elements of a simple-style interior design are abstraction of structure, simplification of lines, varied use of natural materials, and simplification of colors in space. Based on the aforementioned findings, we concluded the following: I.Simple Style: Upon being converted by modern design techniques, the abstraction and simplification of the traditional “simple style” is achieved, but other sensual lines and implicitly new aesthetic concepts are also presented. II.Residence for Single Lifestyle: By investigating and analyzing the single lifestyle residence in Taipei City with simple–style trends, the study focuses on “single” people in Taipei City who are not yet married. III.Interior Design: Presented with the space concepts of a simple style, single lifestyle, and the development of related conversion, the design provides practicality in the space through the elements of simple design. Keywords: Simple Style, Single Homes, Interior Design
Abstract Since the 1960s, minimalist trends have significantly influenced contemporary creations, including architecture, design, painting, music, sculpture, and other fields. This new style profoundly affected and transformed thought processes, the expression of forms, production modes, and values. This study explores the context developed with simple style. Starting from the interior design context of simple-style contemporary residences, we focus on the impact and influence of simple interior designs on single lifestyle residences in Taipei City, Taiwan and the cultural fusion of modern life and minimalist trends. Using literary review and case analysis, this study found that the key elements of a simple-style interior design are abstraction of structure, simplification of lines, varied use of natural materials, and simplification of colors in space. Based on the aforementioned findings, we concluded the following: I.Simple Style: Upon being converted by modern design techniques, the abstraction and simplification of the traditional “simple style” is achieved, but other sensual lines and implicitly new aesthetic concepts are also presented. II.Residence for Single Lifestyle: By investigating and analyzing the single lifestyle residence in Taipei City with simple–style trends, the study focuses on “single” people in Taipei City who are not yet married. III.Interior Design: Presented with the space concepts of a simple style, single lifestyle, and the development of related conversion, the design provides practicality in the space through the elements of simple design. Keywords: Simple Style, Single Homes, Interior Design
簡約風格, 單身居家, 空間設計, Simple Style, Single Homes, Interior Design