

運用休閒輔導課程方案改善國中學生同儕關係之行動研究 中文摘要 同儕關係對國中學生的日常生活與生涯發展具有關鍵的影響力,然而現有協助國中學生改善其同儕關係的相關策略成效,卻多因執行時間不足,乃至於社會風氣與升學主義而無法完全發揮其效能。本行動研究主要目的在發展一套休閒輔導課程方案,並期望以之為策略協助國中學生改善其隱性同儕關係不良的問題。 在經歷過一年的行動研究過程,發展並實施了廿九個休閒輔導課程方案,分析六名參與課程的八年級學生之同儕關係變化,並訪談學生導師及校內相關行政人員後,透過資料的三角檢核,得到下列的研究成果: 一、 在休閒輔導課程方案的發展方面,確定了幾項未來繼續發展休閒輔導課程方案的基本原則: 1. 以主題休閒體驗活動為核心的模組式課程方案發展。 2. 融入群性化教學模式,以學生需求為課程方案核心。 3. 以分組活動體驗為起始,以經驗回顧、討論分享收尾。 4. 彈性調整課程方案實施時間,以提升在校園內實施的可行性。 5. 廣泛開發休閒資源與設施,以增加方案的多元發展性。 二、 學生同儕關係的輔導方面,可以歸納得到休閒輔導課程方案對學生同儕關係改善的主要幫助如下: 1. 促進學生團體參與態度的主動性與積極性。 2. 有助建立良好的同儕互動態度與價值觀念。 3. 對於社交技巧的培養,有相當訓練的效果。 4. 能夠增進學生意見與情感表達溝通的能力。 三、 在休閒輔導課程方案的多元應用方面,則有下列領域的拓展: 1. 語文領域在作文情境營造方面的教學應用。 2. 綜合領域與社會學習領域的教學應用:如休閒教育、品德教育等方面。 3. 規劃休閒輔導課程為校內彈性課程的計畫。 4. 用以為班級導師從事班級經營工作的工具。 為了使未來的研究者或下一階段的行動研究成效能夠更為顯著,歸納出下列幾項應該修正或可以嘗試的發展建議: 一、休閒輔導課程方案發展方面 1. 開發新休閒輔導課程模組因應學生多元需求 2. 整合校內相關資源提升同儕關係輔導效果 二、 教師專業成長方面 1. 辦理「社交測量的實施與應用」之教師研習 2. 發表休閒輔導課程方案的實施成果 3. 組成導師成長團體,推展休閒輔導課程方案
An action research by using leisure counseling programs to improve the peer-relationship of junior high school students Abstract Peer-relationship influences junior high school students a lot, especially in daily life and their future development. However, the methods used to help junior high school students to solve their peer-relationship problems recently were unsuccessful due to our utilitarian society and not being implemented for enough time. This action research is focus on both developing a series of leisure counseling programs and using these programs to improve the peer-relationship of junior high school students. After one year of action research, we’ve developed and implemented 29 leisure counseling programs, analyzed the changes of 6 participant students’ peer-relationship, and interviewed those students’ tutors and some related administrators. After using triangulation to analyze all information, there are some achievements of our action research below: 1.Generalized some basic principles of designing and developing more leisure counseling programs. 2.Made sure the major effects of using our leisure counseling programs on helping junior high school students to solve their peer-relationship problem. 3.Explored varied applications of leisure counseling programs. In order to further future action researches, we also have some suggestions: 1.Design and develop more different leisure counseling programs to fit different participant students’ needs, and try to combine all related resource to enhance the outcome of students’ peer-relationship counseling. 2.Holding the symposium about “The implement and application of Sociometric Test” and “The outcome of using leisure counseling programs to improve the students’ peer-relationship” can reduce the obstruction of future action research. 3.Hold a teacher studying group to spread the use of leisure counseling programs.



休閒輔導, 行動研究, 國中學生, 同儕關係, 社交測量

