

摘 要 本研究旨在探討情緒智力是否會關係大一學生之學業成績,研究對象為台灣大學九十三學年度第一學期大學部一年級新生,總共2638名學生,上網填答情緒智力量表,實際填答有效問卷者共2616人,填答率69.4%。 研究結果主要結論如下: 一、研究對象情緒智力總分會因家中排行之不同而有顯著差異,排行老大優於老二;亦會因家庭社經地位之不同而有顯著差異,高家庭社經地位者優於低家庭社經地位者。 二、研究對象情緒智力四個分量表得分,只有「情緒表達得分」會因性別不同而有顯著差異,女生優於男生;會因家中排行之不同而有顯著差異,排行老大者優於排行老二。 三、研究對象情緒智力四個分量表中只有「情緒表達得分」與「情緒調整得分」會因家庭社經地位不同而有顯著差異,都是家庭社經地位者高者顯著優於家庭社經地位低者;亦會因學院別不同而有顯著差異。 四、研究對象之學業成績會因性別之不同而有顯著差異,女生優於男生;會因家庭社經地位不同而有顯著差異,高家庭社經地位者的優於低家庭社經地位者;亦會因推薦入學與否而有顯著差異,推薦入學者優於非推薦入學者。 五、在控制社會人口學變項後,研究對象情緒智力總分可以預測其學業成績。 六、在控制研究對象的社會人口學變項後,研究對象情緒智力四個分量表中「情緒表達」、「情緒調整」與「情緒運用」三項得分能有效的預測其學業成績,其中「情緒調整」與「情緒運用」得分愈高,學業成績愈好;而「情緒表達」得分愈高,學業成績反而愈差。 關鍵字:情緒商數、情緒智力、學業成績
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether emotional quotient can influence academic achievement for first-year university students .The objects studied were 2,616 first-year students at National Taiwan University. The studt tool was structured questionnaires that were developed by professor Chiang. Every student answered 60 questions concerning emotional intelligence. The response rate was 69.4%. The major conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The total scale for a subject’s emotional quotient was influenced by sibling ranking and by the socio-economic status of his or her family. A first child had a higher total score than his or her siblings. Students who come from a family with a higher socio-economic status had a higher total score. 2. Emotional expression, one of the emotional quotient’s four subscales, was closely related to a student’s sibling ranking. The emotional expression subscale was also highest in the first sibling. 3. Emotional expression, one of the emotional quotient’s four subscales, was closely related to a student’s gender and sibling ranking. It was higher for females than for males. The emotional expression subscale was also highest in the first sibling. These subscales also differ between students from different colleges. 4. A student’s academic achievement might be influenced by gender, socio-economic status, and mode of entrance to the university. Female students had higher scores. Students who come from a family with a higher socio-economic status had higher scores than those from a lower- status family. Students who enter the university via a recommendation had higher scores than those who enter by passing an entrance examination. 5. After controlling for socio-demographic factors, the emotional quotient might be to predict the status of academic achievement. 6. After controlling for socio-demographic factors, the subscales of emotional expression, emotional adjustment and emotional facilitation were found to significantly predict academic achievement. Among them, emotional expression was inversely related to academic achievement. Both emotional adjustment and emotional facilitation were directly related to academic achievement. Keywords: Emotional quotient, Emotional Intelligence, Academic achievement



情緒商數, 情緒智力, 學業成績, Emotional quotient, Emotional Intelligence, Academic achievemen





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