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本研究目的主要在探討一貫道領導者-前人的生涯發展歷程,以及其相關影響因素。本研究採質化研究中的多重個案研究法,訪談六位前人後,將訪談內容轉謄為逐字稿,並進行資料的編碼、分析與歸納,得到以下的結論: 一、前人的專業生涯階段分成四個階段,依序為初學者、明理者、師父與指引者四個角色,特徵分別為跟隨一貫道中前輩學習以培德修身、明白道中佛規禮節後投入服務於道場、開拓道務並培育道場中重要幹部、以及指引個人與組織的方向;而入一貫道後專業成長除了從參與道中事務直接學習、一般開班授課與自行閱讀經典以學習古聖先賢的德行之外,還包括前輩以不言之教-身教之教化與直接一對一的師徒帶領方式,以及最特殊的無形力量-仙佛的教化,但這其中多為個人領悟力的差異而影響個人學習結果。 二、影響前人生涯發展的因素主要為個人因素與環境因素,而個人因素中,包括人格特質、態度、興趣、能力與條件,其中誠心信心與無欲是其中值得注意的因素,而環境因素包括正面事件的影響、負面事件的影響、重要他人的影響、整體環境的影響等四點。而其中家庭與一貫道中的前輩或同儕的協助支持是不可或缺的動力。
This study mainly discusses about the career development progress of the leaders of I-Kuan Tao, Chief Masters (in Chinese: Qian Ren). This study adapts the multi-case study of the qualitative research; with the interviews with six Chief Masters, the researcher changed the interview content into the script word by word and did the data coding, data analyzing, and concluding. Therefore the researcher has the following conclusions: 1. The professional career development of Chief Masters is divided into four stages: (1) the beginners, (2) the rule practiced, (3) the masters, and (4) the guidance counselors. The individual characteristics are the followers (1) who follow I-Kuan Tao seniors to cultivate and correct themselves, (2) who understand I-Kuan Tao rules and amenities to devote themselves to Tao temples, (3) who spread Tao affairs and develop, educate significant organizers of I-Kuan Tao, and (4) who steerage the directions of people and organizations. Besides, the professional development of Chief Masters after they became members of I-Kuan Tao is from: (1) direct learning of involving in Tao affairs, (2) instructions from cultivating lessons and acquisition from reading classics and the morality and conducts of the saints, (3) the wordless teachings from the seniors including conducting of the teacher-apprentice one-by-one style, (4) the most special way of imageless and immaterial power—the teaching and cultivating by Buddhas. But the learning effects are influenced by the personal digestion differences. 2. The factors which affect Chief Masters career development are consisted of the personal factors and environmental factors. Personal factors include characters, attitudes, interests, abilities, and conditions, among which sincerity, confidence, and being in appetent deserve more attention. Environmental factors include influences from both positive and negative events, influences from significant others, and influences from the whole surroundings. Among the above, the advances and support of the seniors in both Chief Master’s family and I-Kuan Tao are the vital power.



一貫道, 前人, 生涯, 生涯發展, I-Kuan Tao, Chief Masters, career, career development





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