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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education


本研究旨在探討宜蘭縣高中(職)教師健康促進生活型態及其相關影響因素,以宜蘭縣公私立高中(職)合格專任教師為研究母群體,採分層機率比率抽樣法,利用 結構性問卷方式進行資料收集,取得有效問卷共410份,回收率84%。以SPSS for Windows 11.0視窗版統計套裝軟體進行資料分析。研究結果發現: (一)健康促進生活型態層面,得分最高為靈性成長,其餘依序為營養、人際關係、壓力處理,而身體活動、健康責任得分最低。 (二)社會人口學變項中之年齡、婚姻狀況、教學年資、健康促進課程參與情形、參與課程時數與健康促進生活型態有顯著差異。 (三)自覺健康狀況、健康行為自我效能與健康促進生活型態呈正相關。 (四)健康行為自我效能、年齡、自覺健康狀況及參與健康促進課程等四個變項,共可解釋健康促進生活型態變異量的53.3%,其中健康行為自我效能為最佳的 預測因子。
The purpose of this study was to explored into the health-promoting lifestyles and the related factors among senior high school and vocational school teachers in Yilan county. The qualified teachers at senior high school and vocational school in Yilan county were the target population of this research, and the samples were selected by using stratified PPS random sampling. The data collection was based on structural questionnaire method, and there were 410 valid samples, which presented a 84% of the response rate. The data was analyzed by SPSS for Windows 11.0. The major findings of the study were as follows: 1. In the health-promoting lifestyles, the highest score was the spiritual growth, followed by nutrition, interpersonal relations, stress management, and the lowest was physical activity, health responsibility. 2. The result indicated that these following factors of demographic variables did show significant differences in the health-promoting lifestyles: ages, marital status, the total experiences in teaching field, the participation of the health-promoting lessons and the total hours in participating in health-promoting lessons. 3. The perceived health status and self-efficacy of the subjects had a positive correlation with the health-promoting lifestyles. 4. The self-efficacy of health behavior, ages, the perceived health status, and the participation of health-promoting lessons were the significant predictors and explained 53.3% of the variance of health-promoting lifestyles. However, the self-efficacy of health behavior was the strongest predictor of all.



