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Office of Research and Development


技職院校係以培育學生兼具分析與實務技能結合之專才為教育目標,經濟教育於此扮演良好角色。經濟學為商學類科之基礎課程,加強其教學方法,將有助於相關理 論延續及經濟現況分析運用。經濟參與是公民參與重要的一環,培養學生對經濟事務之參與和關心時事的主動積極態度,亦正是經濟教育之主要目標。國內並無技職 學生經濟認知與經濟參與相關研究,本文嘗試設計調查表,取得兩部分資料,以多變量方法分析其間關係,觀察經濟認知與參與間有否具有統計顯著相關。結果顯示 性別、學習興趣高低不同學生群中對經濟認知產生顯著差異,雙親職業狀況與教育程度間,則無顯著差異,學生經濟認知能力與其對經濟參與間無典型相關。
The purpose of a College of Business is to enable students with analytic and practical skills to play an important role in their nation’s economy. Economics is the foundation of the curriculum in every Commercial subject, yet little research has been conducted on the relationship between “economic literacy”(students’ basic understanding of economics, of the whole economic system)and the participation of students in Commercial courses. In fact such economic literary depends on students active “economic participation”(participation in their country’s economy), itself an important part of citizenship. Thus training Commercial students to actively(even aggressively) participate in and (therefore) be vitally concerned about current business and economic affairs in their society should also be an important goal of economic education. Setting out to explore how such a teaching method for Business or Commercial courses might be further developed and improved, this study examined the relationship between Commercial students’ family backgrounds, gender and degree of economic participation on the one hand and their “economic literacy” on the other. A survey was used to collect data, which were then analyzed via a multivariate method. The findings were as follows: there is a significant correlation between economic literacy score and both gender(males scoring higher) and learning interest, but no significant correlation between this score and parental social status and education level; furthermore, no canonical correlation between this score and the degree of their economic participation.



