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僑校在國外當地扮演著一位很重要的橋樑,不僅是宣揚中華文化的基地,更是當地人能夠透過僑校來提供中文教育的服務。歷屆僑務委員長始終秉持著「無僑教即無僑務」理念(鄭彥棻,1955),積極推動各類僑教工作。除此之外,當地外交部代表處也為我們僑教提供了許多的服務,無論是華語文能力測驗等試卷的寄送、自聘教師返台研習申請等都為我們海外僑校提供協助。 在墨西哥目前共計有三間僑校,分別是中華文化學院、翰林世界語言中心、文成華語教育中心。三間僑校都有自身的優勢與吸引教師前來服務的誘因,且剛好三間都在不同的州,中華文化學院位在首都墨西哥市、翰林世界語言中心靠墨西哥灣的委拉庫魯斯州,而筆者正是在墨西哥州的Toluca文成華語教育中心所服務的華語教師。透過在第一線僑校服務的經驗,願其論文能將其僑校教學情況所記錄下來,讓在墨西哥發展的僑校甚至是想來墨西哥發展的教師們能有所依據。 論文的主要內容會以華語教育在墨西哥文成華語教育中心的實踐輔以2008-2018年這十年創立當中的與當地主流學校的合作經營模式加以說明,並且使用訪談與問卷的方式來進行分析。希望能夠這樣的方式來了解其教學情況的面貌。
Overseas Chinese schools play a very important bridge in foreign countries, not only to promote the basics of Mandarin Chinese, but also to provide local Chinese education services through overseas Chinese schools. There are three overseas Chinese schools in Mexico, namely the Chinese Culture Institute, the Hanlin World Language Center, and the Wen Cheng Cultural Language Center. The author is a Chinese teacher who is teaching at the Wen Cheng Cultural Language Center. Through the experience of teaching in this overseas Chinese school, I hope that the teaching environment of the overseas Chinese school can be shown through the thesis, in order that the teachers who want to come to Mexico can have this as a basis for their decision. The successive members of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee have always adhered to the concept of "No Overseas Chinese Education, No Overseas Chinese Affairs" and have actively promoted a variety of overseas Chinese education work. The main content of the thesis will be explained through the practice of Chinese language education in the Wen Cheng Cultural Language Center in Mexico. This will be supplemented by the cooperative business model of cooperation with local mainstream schools established between 2008-2018 using interviews and questionnaires for analysis. I hope this thesis can help others understand and appreciate the face of this teaching situation in Mexico.



僑校, 墨西哥, 主流學校, 文成華語教育中心, 華語文能力測驗, Overseas Chinese schools, Mexico, mainstream schools, Wen Cheng Cultural Language Center, TOCFL





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