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Department of English, NTNU
Department of English, NTNU
本研究昌在探討九年一貫課程實施後,圈中英語教師的課程意識,以及其課程意識是否因個人與任教學校背景的不同而有差異存在。研究對象為台北縣、市的圈中英語教師,主要採問卷調查法進行,並以教師訪談與相關文獻資料作為討論的輔助說明。歷經問卷編製、抽樣、施測以及問卷回收與處理後,共得有效樣本328 人。研究結果發現: (一)九年一貫英語課程的核心理念廣為大台北地區的國中英語教師所接受: (二)國中英語教師對九年一貫英語課程,在課程理想與教學實踐層面的意識上存有落差: (三)圈中英語教師的學歷別、任教學校的城鄉別、以及是否曾為九年一貫試辦學校,對英語教師在部分教材、自我、學生、以及環境層面的覺知上具有顯著差異。根據研究發現,提出四項參考建議:加強英語課程政策與措施的落實;回應國中英語教師在教學實踐上的需求:彌補英語教學的城鄉差異;以及鼓勵英語教師透過課程行動研究方案,發揮教學實踐的力量。
The major purpose of this study was to explore junior high English teachers' curriculum consciousness at the beginning stage of the grades 1-9 curriculum reform in Taiwan. J unior high English teachers in the great Taipei area were surveyed, using a researcher-designed questionnaire of curriculum consciousness. The final samples consist of 328 valid cases. 1n addition to descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted to examine the effects of teachers' background variables on curriculum consciousness. Data derived from in-depth interviews with 19 teachers as well as relevant Iiterature were drawn upon in discussion of the survey resuIts. This study revealed three important findings. First, the basic tenets of the new English curriculum were acknowledged by most of the English teachers. Second, teachers' responses indicated a noteworthy gap between the ideal curriculum and teaching practices. Third, some backgroundvariables had a significant effect on parts of the teachers' curriculum consciousness, including teachers' educational background, school location, and whether the school had been designated to experiment with the new curriculum before the official launching. The findings of this study suggest that the authorities concemed should (1) promote faithful implementation of the new English curriculum at school and c1assroom levels; (2) respond to English teachers' need for teaching practices; (3) address the discrepancy between rural area and city; and (4) encourage action research among English teachers in face of the chalIenges of carrying out the new English curriculum.
The major purpose of this study was to explore junior high English teachers' curriculum consciousness at the beginning stage of the grades 1-9 curriculum reform in Taiwan. J unior high English teachers in the great Taipei area were surveyed, using a researcher-designed questionnaire of curriculum consciousness. The final samples consist of 328 valid cases. 1n addition to descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted to examine the effects of teachers' background variables on curriculum consciousness. Data derived from in-depth interviews with 19 teachers as well as relevant Iiterature were drawn upon in discussion of the survey resuIts. This study revealed three important findings. First, the basic tenets of the new English curriculum were acknowledged by most of the English teachers. Second, teachers' responses indicated a noteworthy gap between the ideal curriculum and teaching practices. Third, some backgroundvariables had a significant effect on parts of the teachers' curriculum consciousness, including teachers' educational background, school location, and whether the school had been designated to experiment with the new curriculum before the official launching. The findings of this study suggest that the authorities concemed should (1) promote faithful implementation of the new English curriculum at school and c1assroom levels; (2) respond to English teachers' need for teaching practices; (3) address the discrepancy between rural area and city; and (4) encourage action research among English teachers in face of the chalIenges of carrying out the new English curriculum.