懷特(John White)的美好生活觀及其教育蘊義

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本研究旨在探討英國當代教育哲學家John White的美好生活觀,透過概念分析與詮釋學的研究方法,先瞭解其生平和思想背景,再從與John White之美好生活觀的個人福祉、自主兩個層面來探討,藉以提出美好生活觀對臺灣教育的啟示。具體言之,本研究之目的如下: 一、剖析懷特的生平及其思想背景。 二、分析懷特的美好生活觀的內涵。 三、探究懷特的美好生活觀對教育的啟發。 首先,個人福祉的核心概念「自主」、「利他」以及「欲望滿足」,這個部分側重闡述此三核心概念在個人福祉中的地位;其次,向外擴張至個人福祉,討論個人福祉與教育目的的關連性;最後是懷特的最終教育目的:美好的生活,他希望藉由促進個人福祉,達成使人過著美好生活的理想。 綜合前述探究,本研究根據懷特的美好生活觀提出一些省思,並依據研究結論提擬建議,以作為臺灣教育發展的參考。 一、反思現有的教育目的 二、塑造民主社會中的公民特質 三、再創理想的認真看待美好人生之涵育的國定課程
This study aims at probing into John White’s perspective on good life and its implications for education. Using conceptual analysis and hermeneutics, this study illustrates White’s life experiences and academic background, and investigates White’s theory of “Good Life” from the aspect of personal well-being and autonomy. Finally, based on the exploration above, the researcher finds out some inspirations of White’s theory of “Good Life” to Taiwan’s education. The goals of this study are as following: 1. To investigate John White’s life and academic background. 2. To discuss John White’s perspective upon good life. 3. To interpret the implications of John White’s perspective on good life for education in Taiwan. Firstly, the study discusses the core concept of autonomy, the place of desires in personal well-being, and the importance of altruism. This part focuses on these concepts to illustrate their importance upon personal well-being. Secondly, the study analyzes the relationship between educational aims and personal well-being. Thirdly, the study interprets White’s ideal that people could lead a good life through promoting personal well-being. Based on John White’s works and perspectives on good life, the recommendations for education in Taiwan are followings: 1. Rethink educational aims in Taiwan nowadays. 2. Cultivate appropriate characteristics of citizens in democratic society. 3. Re-create ideal national curriculum in Taiwan that takes the cultivation of good life seriously.



美好生活觀, 個人福祉, 自主, good life, personal well-being, autonomy





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