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為符合政府施政需要、資源整合及發揮人、物、財力最大的綜效,「變革」已成國防組織因應外部環境變化、內部需求的常態。本研究運用德懷術(Dephi)的方法,探討軍事學校組織變革的關鍵成功因素,期使變革促進者瞭解在執行時,各期程應有的思考與配套,方能促成組織變革的成功。為達上述目的,透過文獻探討方式,研擬相關指標並訂定問項內容,經由學者、專家審查,並對專家群施以三回合調查、資料彙整與統計分析,將組織變革區分準備、投入、轉換及產出等四個階段、三十個關注項目內容。 專家群認為各階段「非常重要」,且權值最高的項目分別是:變革準備階段,須擬訂明確的組織發展計畫與目標;變革投入階段,變革促進者(或團隊)對組織變革政策指導、行動方案,應具延續性;變革轉換階段,組織變革應避免對組織成員產生工作權益、意願的降低;變革產出階段,組織變革應有助於對資源(人、財、物力與時間)效率的提昇。研究所得,期能提供後續執行策略與配套參考,催化軍事學校組織變革的成功。 關鍵字:軍事學校、組織變革、關鍵成功因素、德懷術
In accordance with government’s policy to integrate and maximize human, material and financial resources, structural reorganization is inevitable when facing external change and internal needs. The research employed the Dephi method to discuss the key success factors regarding the structural reform of military schools. The purpose of this research is to help the policymaker understand the thinking and associated plans while implementing the changes in order to achieve a successful reform. In order to achieve this goal, the researcher drafts queries based on academic studies and consults experts to exam the adequacy of the queries. Three rounds of queries were conducted to the instructors at military schools; statistic analysis of the data segregates structural reorganization into four phases (preparation, implementation, transition and production) with thirty areas of focuses. The instructors identified the preparation phase, as the most critical period during structural reorganization, the goals and development plans must be clarified. In the implementation phase, the guidance from policy makers towards execution of structural reorganization should be continuous. In the transition phase, the execution should avoid the possibility of lowering the will to work among members of the organization. In the production phase, the reorganization should enhance the efficiency of personnel, finance, material and time, The result of this research should be use as reference for future research in order to successfully reorganize the military schools. Key Words: military school, Structural reorganization, key success factor, Dephi method



軍事學校, 組織變革, 關鍵成功因素, 德懷術

