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早期台灣因為客觀環境的海禁,及主觀意識上對橫渡黑水溝的恐懼情結,使得台灣失去了向海洋發展的機會;如今航海科技已經尖端進化,海洋危險性大幅降低,海洋多了一份可親、可愛的面貌, 1987年台灣又解除了戒嚴狀態,現在正是台灣重新確立與海洋相互依存關係的關鍵時刻。透過論述發展視覺設計創作,呈現出台灣海洋文化發展的內涵與特性,以期能讓國人了解台灣海洋文化的發展歷程及真實面貌,重新拾回被台灣拋棄已久的海洋,正是本視覺設計創作的主要意義。 創作論述則企圖經由文獻探討台灣海洋文化所蘊藏的內涵與特性意義,進而探索或發現台灣海洋文化意象的重要性與視覺要素,以作為視覺設計創作的研究參考。共分五章: 第一章 緒論 論述研究動機、研究限制、研究方法及相關名詞的界定,作為視覺設計創作研究工作的基礎概念。 第二章 台灣海洋文化文獻探討 論述台灣海洋文化發展的先天與外來的起源及發展歷程,並探討台灣海洋文化的意義及特性,以期能掌握台灣海洋文化發展之軌跡。 第三章 《台灣海洋文化意象》視覺構成元素相關原理探討 論述台灣海洋文化產生的視覺意象,並就造形及色彩在台灣海洋文化意象上的運用意涵進行探討,藉以作為視覺設計創作的指標。 第四章 《台灣海洋文化意象》個人創作表現 論述研究生視覺設計創作的理念、流程、表現形式及使用媒材,並將研究期間創作之成果加以展示與說明。 第五章 結論與建議 展望台灣海洋文化的視覺意象發展,並呼籲視覺設計創作者重視台灣海洋文化視覺意象風格的建立與推廣。
Because of the sea ban around Taiwan, the objective environment, and also the subjective things around the Taiwan straight, Taiwan lost the opportunity to marine research and development. Nowadays, with improvement in technology, working and travel at sea is more attractive and much safer. This paper wants to recall the ocean culture and present the meaning and character of the marine environment. It also hopes to provide the true features of Taiwan’s marine culture and help the Taiwanese people to understand its development and function. This literature review can help us to explore and discover the importance of Taiwan’s marine culture image, so it can be used as further reference for research and other contributions. There are 5 chapters for this study: Chapter 1 Introduction To describe the research motivation, research limitation and definition for the basic concept of this study. Chapter 2 Literature review To describe the original and developing progress of Taiwanese ocean culture. A study the meaning of its the characteristics to understand its development. Chapter 3 Discussion of the visual factor principles To describe the Taiwanese ocean culture visual factor and discuss the meaning of the form and color being applied in the Taiwanese ocean culture image which will be the criteria of the visual creative work. Chapter 4 The performance of the creative personnel To describe the student’s idea of this visual creativity, process, performing way, material, and then to explain the creative work. Chapter 5 conclusion and suggestion To review the image development of the Taiwanese ocean culture and to appeal the creation of the Taiwanese ocean culture visual creativity by addressing the style of building and promotion.



海洋文化, 意象, Ocean Culture, Image

