

體驗式學習為有別於傳統之課堂式教學之學習模式,透過參與者親身參與任務活動的進行透過體驗、反思、歸納、應用的經驗學習圈的學習過程,讓參與者產生學習的移轉。體驗式學習在台灣已成為教育訓練的新趨勢,愈來愈多企業採用體驗式訓練方式以建立團隊共識以及增進團隊成員的默契與合作的經驗。而體驗式學習對學員之訓練遷移的成效從文獻發現目前仍無法獲得有效地驗證,需進一步研究以確認體驗式學習對學員之訓練遷移。 因此,本研究嘗試以個案研究的方式,分別於個案公司體驗式團隊建立學習課程的課前規劃與課後一個月以及六個月後,進行半結構式訪談為研究工具以深入了解個案公司員工在接受體驗式團隊建立訓練後其訓練遷移的情形。 研究發現體驗式學習在訓練剛結束的一個月內,對受訓學員影響較大,產生了一些態度面、認知面以及觀念面上明顯的行為改變,也符合訓練主辦人的預期,同時也突顯出一些訓練主辦人與個案公司主管沒有察覺到的議題以及某些項目無法透過訓練得到行為改變的原因。而在課後一個月到六個月之間,個案公司陸續經歷了合作夥伴進駐、客戶確定、主管的更動以及部門合併的工作環境因素的變革,帶給主管與員工比訓練更大的衝擊與影響,在課後六個月的訪談中發現工作環境因素的影響,讓受訓學員產生更多的行為改變。
Experiential learning was different from classroom learning - participants learn by engaging in the cycle of experience, reflection, generalization and application from games or activities. In Taiwan, there are more enterprises adopt this type of learning for team-building training. However, based on literature reviews, the researcher found that training transfer of experiential learning was not significant enough to verify that it could aid behavior changing. The purpose of this study was to observe the training transfer of experiential learning by using the method of case study and interviews. The researcher held two interviews to collect data that indicated participants’ behavior changing. The first one was held one month later after the training program was delivered and the other one was held six months later. After the analysis of the records of interviews, conclusions were generalized as follow: From the first interview, the researcher found that experiential learning helped participants change their behavior to be a better partner in their team. But as the time went by, its effects on training transfer were decreasing. From the second interview researcher found that experiential learning had less effect on training transfer. The changes of working environment had greater effect on training transfer. The participants changed their behaviors because the company recruited new employees, found customers, hired a new manager and merged some departments.



體驗式學習, 團隊建立, 訓練遷移, experiential learning, team building, training transfer

