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本研究是以具有高度學業成就的高中三年級學生為研究對象,藉由有、無規律運動習慣來討論學習態度與學業成績之間的關連性為主要目的;本研究是採用混合式的研究方法,在量化研究中,以高中階段的規律運動習慣調查以及依據習慣領域的深智慧原理所製成的學習態度量表,並且與問卷者同意之學業成績作統計分析,另外以半結構式焦點團體訪談來回推學習態度對於規律運動習慣的養成,所得結論如下: 一、有、無規律運動者在學業成績的國文與生物科目有顯著與高度顯著相關性,與學習態度並無相關連,但是在半結構焦點團體訪談的質性研究中發現學習態度對於規律運動習慣具有正向的影響性。 二、學習態度與學業成績具有顯著關連性,其中痕與裂原理跟國文、英文,循環進化原理跟國文、生物均有高度顯著相關,具有顯著相關的有:痕與裂原理與(數學、地理、公民與社會)三科學業成績、低深原理與英文科目學業成績。 三、性別的差異對於學習態度也具有高度顯著相關,最後在深智慧學習態度(裂與痕原理與循環進化原理)與學業成績的語文科目,相對於本研究架構的三個主要元素的關連性極高,值得做為未來研究深入探討。
This study took high achievers of senior students in high school as study subjects and its major objective was to find out whether there was a correlation between their regular exercise habits and their study attitude and academic achievement. The study adopted a mixed research method and quantitative research method to investigate regular exercise habits at senior high school level, thus making a study attitude scale based on principles for deep knowledge in the realm of habits. By analyzing the study attitude scale and the academic achievements of the respondents who agreed, In the semi-structured interviews and focus groups through qualitative research to find the effect on regular exercise through study attitude. the results were derived as the follows: 1. There was noticeable correlation between academic achievements in language courses such as Chinese and Biology among students who made it a habit to exercise regularly and those who didn’t, there was no correlation between study attitude and regular exercise habits. but in the semi-structured interviews and focus groups through qualitative research, it was found that study attitude had a positive effect on regular exercise habits. 2. There was noticeable correlation between study attitude and academic achievements, in which there was highly significant correlation between cracking& ripping principle and achievements in Chinese & English, and revolving and cycling principle was closely related to achievements in Chinese and biology. In addition, there was obvious correlation between cracking & ripping principle and achievements in such subjects as mathematics, geography and biology, between deep & down principle and achievements in English course. 3.There was a noticeable correlation between study gender difference and study attitude. at last, it is worth to deep researchabout the three elements : study attitud(cracking& ripping principle)& academic achievement(Chinese & English) & regular exercise habits



規律運動, 學習態度, 習慣領域, 學業成績, 學業成就, regular exercise, study attitude, habitual domain, academic achievement

