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本研究目的主要在了解台南縣國中學生之社會人口學變項、健康促進生活型態及國中基本學力測驗成績,並探討其相關因素,以作為推動學生健康促進之參考。本研究採橫斷性調查研究法,以台南縣國中學生為母群體,立意取樣研究者服務之學校,有效問卷為346份。 研究結果如下: 一、研究對象在社會人口學分布中,男多於女,以平均身體質量指數來看,體態屬正常範圍;家庭社經地位偏低,智力成績等級多屬優及中等。在健康促進生活型態中:運動得分最高,其次依序是營養、人際支持、壓力處理、自我實現、健康責任。基本學力測驗成績總分平均232.4(標準差101.1)。 二、研究對象的社會人口學變項、健康促進生活型態的關係中,在營養方面,與智力測驗成績有顯著差異;在運動方面,與性別、智力測驗成績有顯著差異;在壓力處理方面,與性別、身體質量指數、家庭社經地位有顯著差異;在健康責任、自我實現、人際支持方面,與家庭社經地位、智力測驗成績有顯著差異。整體健康促進生活型態中,家庭社經地位高者及智力測驗成績優者,其健康促進生活型態較佳。 三、研究對象之基本學力測驗成績,與家庭社經地位、智力測驗成績之有顯著差異,且於各面向的健康促進生活型態成正相關。家庭社經地位屬於中或高的學生、智力測驗成績越優的學生、健康促進生活型態各面向越佳的學生,其基本學力測驗成績就越好。 四、本研究探討在社會人口學變項與健康促進生活型態對基學力測驗成績的預測,可解釋的62.2%總變異量,其中「家庭社經地位」、「智力測驗成績」、「營養」為主要預測變項,且以「智力測驗成績」影響最大,「營養」次之。 本研究依結論提出具體建議,提高研究對象健康促進生活型態,進而提升基本學力測驗成績。
This research aims to understand the social-demographic variables of junior high school students in Tainan County of Taiwan, health-promoting lifestyle and the results of the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students. Through the understanding of the items mentioned above, relevant factors are analyzed to serve as reference for the promotion of students’ health. This research is performed by the cross-section survey with Tainan County’s students as crucial population. 346 questionnaires were returned and the results of the research are shown below: 1.Among our objects of study, females are outnumbered by males regarding the social-demographic distribution. The average BMI of the objects is under the "normal" category. The family socioeconomic status tends to be lower than average while the IQ test results mostly belonging to the average or the higher levels. As for health-promotion lifestyle, it is the item of exercise in which the objects score the highest, and other items are ranked as nutrition, interpersonal support, stress management, self-actualization, and health responsibility. The objects’ average result of the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students (BCTJHS) is 232.4 (standard deviation 101.1). 2.In the relation between social-demographic distribution and health-promoting lifestyle, prominent difference can be found among objects with different BCTJHS results in nutrition; objects with different genders and IQ test results perform differently on exercise; objects with different genders, BMI, and family socioeconomic status perform differently on stress management; objects with different family socioeconomic status and IQ test results perform differently on health responsibility; objects with different family socioeconomic status and IQ test results perform differently on self-actualization; objects with different family socioeconomic status and IQ test results perform differently on interpersonal support. In the overall health-promoting lifestyle, the objects with higher family socioeconomic status and IQ testresults have better health-promoting lifestyle. 3.There is a prominent difference in BCTJHS results among objects with different family socioeconomic status and IQ test results; this difference is in positive correlation with comprehensive health-promoting lifestyles. Students with middle or higher family socioeconomic status, better IQ test results, and good health-promoting lifestyle would have better BCTJHS results. 4.This research scrutinizes the impact of the social-demographic variables and health-promoting lifestyle on the prediction of BCTJHS results. The explainable overall accuracy is 62.2 %. Among all of the predictions, family socioeconomic status, IQ test results, and nutrition are main importance. It can be found that health-promoting lifestyle provides effective prediction of BCTJHS results while “IQ test results” is the most influential and “nutrition” is less to it. This research proposes practical suggestions for uplifting health-promoting lifestyle so as to boost BCTJHS results.



國中生, 健康促進生活型態, 基本學力測驗成績, junior high school students, health-promoting lifestyle, the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students

