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Yu-ying Chang
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Department of English, NTNU
Department of English, NTNU
隨著職場英語的重要性在台灣得到各方面高度重視,越來越多的學者開始關注不同行業的英語需求,但是其探討的範圍大多僅集中在商業、科技、醫護、及餐飲觀光等少數領域,以致有許多領域至今似乎都仍未被觸及。因此,本研究選擇在有重重限制的國家安全管制區中進行,嘗試有系統的觀察及分析在桃園國際機場航空警察局中,負責行李安全檢查的警察人員在其工作崗位上的英語需求及使用。本研究透過多種不同研究方法的組合,從各種不同的來源,蒐集各種不同的質化及量化的資料,以期能從不同角度及觀點,對機場安檢員警的職場英語需求及使用,獲得較深入及全面的了解。所採用的研究方法包括網路及書面資料蒐集、深度及隨機訪談、勤務現場參觀、問卷調查、問卷後訪談、參與式觀察、全天候上班時間跟隨特定研究對象、以及勤務執行過程的語料錄音。此外特別要在此指出,雖然在既有的需求分析研究架構中,語言分析(linguistic analysis, discourse analysis, text analysis)也常被列為分析向度之一,但至今國際間仍只有非常少數的需求分析研究,將實際工作現場中真實語料的記錄及分析,作為定義需求的重要考量之一。大多數需求分析研究者或課程設計者,基於時間、經費、與人力的限制,經常跳過這一方面的分析,如此的做法雖然可以理解,但在本論文中,我們將指出其缺失,並進一步呈現,透過類似本研究企圖發展的整合方法(integrated approach),我們可以獲得更確切、精準的結果,幫助將來設計出更有效的課程及教材。最後,本文也會根據研究結果提出初步的課程規劃建議。
This research focuses on one under-explored variety of English for Occupational Purposes—English for police officers of aviation security examination. The data collection methods adopted in this research included pre-questionnaire in-depth face-to-face interviews and short interviews, questionnaire survey, post-questionnaire interviews, participant observation, shadowing, and tape-recording of workplace language use. Through collecting data from various sources via a combination of the aforementioned data collection methods, qualitative and quantitative results from different perspectives were obtained. This study attempts to show that only through such an integrated needs analysis approach, a more appropriate and fuller understanding of the needs and uses of English for airport police officers can be reached. In this paper, the discussion of the results will focus on the comparison of the needs perceived by different groups of members in Aviation Police Office. Finally, based on the results of the analyses of needs and uses, preliminary suggestions concerning English language teaching materials and course design will also be provided.
This research focuses on one under-explored variety of English for Occupational Purposes—English for police officers of aviation security examination. The data collection methods adopted in this research included pre-questionnaire in-depth face-to-face interviews and short interviews, questionnaire survey, post-questionnaire interviews, participant observation, shadowing, and tape-recording of workplace language use. Through collecting data from various sources via a combination of the aforementioned data collection methods, qualitative and quantitative results from different perspectives were obtained. This study attempts to show that only through such an integrated needs analysis approach, a more appropriate and fuller understanding of the needs and uses of English for airport police officers can be reached. In this paper, the discussion of the results will focus on the comparison of the needs perceived by different groups of members in Aviation Police Office. Finally, based on the results of the analyses of needs and uses, preliminary suggestions concerning English language teaching materials and course design will also be provided.