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本研究以中部某技術學院,九十二學年度入學之四技一年級新生為 對象,應用結構式問卷追蹤探討大學生運動行為改變與其相關影響因 素,共得有效資料1027 份,結果如下: 一、運動階段的分布與移動 前測研究對象的運動階段分布為:無意圖期14.6%,意圖期42.6%, 準備期23.5%,行動期10.5%,維持期8.8%。六個月後追蹤,依據運動 階段前後移動的結果歸類為:穩定的活動者13.0%,進步者30.0%,退 步者30.6%,坐式生活態型者26.5%。 二、身體活動量之相關因素 研究對象的身體活動量男生高於女生;身體活動量與運動階段有顯著 相關。依據運動階段的移動結果,身體活動量依序為:穩定的活動者> 進步者>退步者>坐式生活型態者。進步者的身體活動量,為後測高於前 測,退步組則為後測低於前測。 三、社會心理變項與運動階段的移動結果 研究對象在運動改變方法、自我效能、自覺運動利益等均隨著運動 階段的提升而增加,運動障礙則相反。依據運動階段的移動結果,穩定 的活動者在運動改變方法和運動享樂感有顯著地增加;進步者運動改變 方法、運動享樂感、自我效能、運動利益等均顯著增加,而運動障礙顯 著減少;退步者在運動改變的方法、自我效能均顯著降低,而運動障礙顯著增加;坐式生活型態者則均無顯著的差異。 四、預測運動階段的因子 預測前測運動階段的因子為:自我效能、行為的改變方法、性別、 等三個變項,解釋力為34.3%。 預測後測運動階段的因子為:運動享樂感、自我效能、行為的改變 方法,居家運動工具量、男生、運動傷害、自覺健康等七個變項。解釋 力為40.1%。 依據研究所得結果提出建議如下: 一、課程安排方面:以興趣選項的方式安排體育課,並考慮學生性別 的差異,提供多元的選課機會。 二、課外活動方面:增加多元的運動相關社團,健康體能促進班,提 供同儕支持的機會。 三、建議學校能依據教育部的「提升學生體適能中程計畫」訂定促進 學生健康體適能活動的政策與實施方案,增加實行規律運動環境 的可近性,提昇學生實行規律運動的動機與實行率。 四、未來的研究者,可依據研究對象的運動階段的移動結果加以區 隔,尤其是坐式生活型態者,進行促進身體活動的介入計畫,並 評估其成效。
The purpose of this study was to explore the stages of exercise and their influential factors among college students. The subject chosen were from one of institute of health science technology. A closed self-report questionnaire was conducted to collect data during Sep 2003 for baseline data, and Mar 2004 for follow-up data. The data was analyzed with frequency, Chi-square test, t-test, One-way ANOVA and multiple regression the results are as followed: 1. The subjects were males 23.5%(n=241) and females 76.5% (n=786) a total 1027. The mean age was 19.27±1.03, and BMI was 20.85±3.47. 21.2% of subjects participant in exercise groups, 41.9% work part time, 42% have suffered sport injuries, and 12.6% feel that their self-health condition is better than others. 2. The stages of exercise, in baseline data there were 14.6% that are precontemplation; 42.6% are contemplation; 23.5% are preparation; 10.5% are action and 8.8% are maintenance. After 6 months the follow-up results there were 16.2% that are precontemplation ; 40.0% are contemplation ; 22.2% are preparation ; 15.4% are action and 6.2% are maintenance. According to the results the stages movement varied, the new stages of exercise classification to the following groups and the percentages were 13.0% are “stable active”; 30.0% are “adapter”; 30.6% are “relapser” and 26.5% are “stable sedentary”. The stages of distribution and movement were correlated with gender and health status perception. 3. Gender, work, and sports injury, are correlation with the amount of total physical activity. The total amount of physical activity during the weekend was higher thanweekday activity. The stages of exercise were influential factors to physical activity. 4. The processes of change were correlated with the stages of exercise. The early stage used processes of change less than the later stage. 5. Self-efficacy for exercise, and pros, increased with stages of exercise, and the cons decreased with stages of exercise. Self-efficacy for exercise, processes of change, and gender are major predictors for baseline stages of exercise. Enjoyment of exercise, self-efficacy for exercise, sports tools, gender, sports injury, and health status perception. are major predictors for follow-up stages of exercise. The total explaining 34.3% variation for baseline data and 40.1% variation for follow up data. Finally, in order to promote physical activity among college students, the results of the study suggest that health promotional programs be developed and evaluated according to the various stages of exercise.



跨理論模式, 運動階段, 大學生, 追蹤研究, Transtheoretical Model, Stages of exercise, College student, Longitudinal Study





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