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本研究主要目的在探討實施兩性交往生活技能互動式多媒體教學介入後,對高中一年級學生兩性交往生活技能的自我覺察度、態度、自我效能及行為意向之效果,並進一步了解實驗組學生對本次兩性交往生活技能互動式多媒體教學的過程評價。 本研究設計採「不等控制組設計」,研究對象以方便取樣選取臺北市公立某兩所高中一年級學校的學生各三個班級,實驗組接受四週,每週一節課(50分鐘)的兩性交往生活技能互動式多媒體教學介入,對照組則未接受教學介入,在教學介入前一週,兩組分別接受前測,教學介入結束後一週進行後測。所收集的資料以卡方檢定、配對t檢定及單因子共變數分析進行統計分析,所得到重要結論歸納如下: 一、 實施兩性交往生活技能互動式多媒體教學介入後,對實驗組高中一年級學生兩性交往生活技能的「自我覺察度」、「態度」、「自我效能」及「行為意向」有立即顯著之正向效果。 二、 比較實驗組及對照組的結果發現有教學介入主效果,即實施教學介入後實驗組的學生之兩性交往生活技能的「自我覺察度」、「態度」、「自我效能」及「行為意向」都明顯高於對照組。 三、 針對教學回饋而言,而言,七成以上(74%)學生喜歡課程活動的設計;近八成(79%)學生表示此互動式多媒體教學是「有助於他們了解到與兩性交往相關的生活技能」、「建立積極、正向兩性交往的態度」、「更有把握做到健康兩性交往行為的自我效能」且「未來會依照互動式影片內教導的正向行為去做」。 綜合上述結論發現,本研究兩性交往生活技能互動式多媒體的設計能達到兩性教育教學的目的,是值得推廣的性教育教學教材。
The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of interaction multi-media on the life skill in dating behavior in senior high school and to assess the effect of this program. A nonequivalent control group design was employed for this study. Three classes of 7th grade students from two municipal high schools in Taipei City were selected by using convenience sampling. The experimental group received a four-week program. In contrast, the control group received no interaction. Both groups had to fill out a pretest questionnaire before the program and a posttest questionnaire after the program. The statistical methods include Chi-Square test, Paired-Samples T test and One-Way ANCOVA. The results were as follows: 1. After the interaction, students of the experimental group had a significant improve in their life skills in dating behavior, in respect of the“ self-awareness”, ”attitudes” , ”self-efficacy” and ”behavioral intention”. 2. The intervention program significantly improves the “ self-awareness”, ”attitudes ”, ”self-efficacy” and ”behavioral intention”. 3. Approximately 74% of the students like the courses designed in this multi-media program. 79% of the students indicated that the multi-media program “help them understand the life skill in dating behavior”, “encourage positive attitude toward the dating behavior” and “make them confident on healthy dating behavior”. Furthermore, the students subjected to the program are willing to act those positive behaviors demonstrated in this multi-media program in the future In conclusion, the interaction multi-media on the life skill in dating behavior introduced in this study serves as a favorable method in practical sex education and worth promoted. Keyword: multi-media、dating behavior、life skill



互動式多媒體, 兩性交往, 生活技能, multi-media, dating behavior, life skill

