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本研究以1951-1957年間童軍教育改革之法案為主軸,分析此階段童軍教育課程改革之歷史背景。 研究者以歷史研究法為主,並運用口述史方法,先瞭解童軍教育的歷史背景、並蒐集童軍教育文獻進行分析,以瞭解童軍教育改革歷程及改革內容,亦運用口述歷史的方法,訪談教師及學生,瞭解課程改革的歷史背景、形成原因、改革具體內容及對童軍教育與童軍運動之影響,最後提出研究結論與建議。 童軍運動創始於英國,盛行於歐美,1912年我國童子軍第一團成立於武昌文華書院,為中國發展童軍運動之濫觴。1929年教育部頒行之「中學課程暫行標準」,設置「童子軍」科目,自此童軍具備學校正式課程地位;而後於1934年教育部通令全國以童子軍訓練為初中必修科目,是全國學校實施童軍教育之嚆始,1937年頒佈「初級中學童子軍管理辦法」要求所有初級中等學校學生不分年級一律實施童子軍管理,所有初級中學學生一律接受童子軍訓練,欲將學生形塑為三民主義的少年兵。 值得注意的是,1951-1957年間教育部先後頒佈「初級中學童子軍組訓改進辦法」、「中國童子軍教育改進方案」、「初級中學童子軍實施綱要」及「初級中等學校童子軍教育實施計畫」,明確劃分學校童軍教育與童軍運動,將全校學生接受童子軍訓練作為組訓學生的「普訓」方式,變更為自願參加的「選訓」方式。此一變革確立學校童軍教育課程係採用童軍運動之原理及方法,而非強迫全體學生宣誓成為童子軍;童子軍團之成員皆為自願參與,以符合童軍運動自願參與之基本原則。
This study is to analysis the historic background of Boy Scout Curriculum Reform during 1951 to 1957 by studying the related documents in the same period in Taiwan. The researcher used both the history research and oral history method to conduct this research. The researcher collected document and literature to understanding the history of Scouting development and the content of Boy Scout Education Curriculum reform. The researcher also interviewed students and teachers at that time to get more insight and understanding. The researcher then made conclusions and suggestions according to the research findings. The Boy Scout Movement was founded in UK in 1907 and it soon spread out to the world. The first Boy Scout Troop was organized in Wuchang in 1912, which is the begging of Boy Scout Movement in Republic of China. The Boy Scout Education was part of the high school curriculum, when the Ministry of Education made a public announcement of “High School Temporary Curriculum” in 1929. This is the first time that Boy Scout Education was introduced into formal school curriculum in China. In 1934, the Ministry of Education further made the Boy Scout Education as a compulsory subject in Junior High School nationwide. This is the beginning of the implementation of Boy Scout Education all over the nation. Then, the “Management Rules of Boy Scout in Junior High School” was announced by Ministry of Education in 1937, which requested all the Junior High School to implement Boy Scout management in student affairs and make it compulsory for every student to join the Boy Scout movement by becoming a boy scout. It was worthwhile to note that the Ministry of Education made several announcement during 1951 to 1957, such as “The Improvement Measures for Junior High School Boy Scout Organization and Training”, “the Improvement Measures for Boy Scouts of China Education”, “Implementation Guidelines for Junior Boy Scout Education” and “the Implementation Plan for Junior High School Boy Scout Education”. These measures and plans were used to distinguish the Boy Scout Education in schools and the Boy Scout Movement in society. After that, the Boy Scout Education was no longer a compulsory subject in schools and not every student had to become a boy scout. Students had the choice to voluntarily to join Boy Scout movement, which meet the principal of World Scouting.



童軍教育, 童軍運動, 課程, 課程改革, 童軍, Boy Scout Education, Boy Scout Movement, Curriculum, Curriculum Reform, Scouting





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