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2007年台灣老年人口佔總人口數將突破10%,老年人口持續增加,未來老人退休與照顧將成為潛在性問題。應全球性老化現象造成家庭結構改變與萎縮,促使老人居住選擇模式的轉變,未來老人住宅需求將與日俱增,並形成高齡化社會中重要的產業之一。本研究以桃園千禧新城為評估和規劃對象,高齡者住宅設計不同於一般住宅,除了注入高齡者無障礙環境條件外,還必須考慮其健康狀況、心理因素、特殊需求、因應未來空間的可變性以及符合健康住宅基本要項等。講求實用、舒適外,空間調性的美感呈現和氛圍營造透過設計手法,達到使用者自在生活、享受自在之設計理念。 目前針對高齡者設計的自費住宅形式以集中居住形式為主,市場定位呈現兩極化,屬於中產階層的老人也只能被迫性的選擇公營自費住宅。謂此,研究者希冀導入另一種新形式的居住關係,提供高齡者更多元化的選擇空間。
In 2007, the population of the aged in Taiwan will reach 10% of the total population. With a consistent increase of the aged, retirement and caring for the aged will become potential issues in the future. The trend of the population getting old as a global phenomenon has caused a change to family structure and a withering of family functions. The aged’s mode of living changes as a result. The demand for the old age homes will increase in the future, and it shall become a major business in the senior society. This study focuses on the Millennium New Town in Taoyuan as the subject of planning and evaluation. The designs of the old age homes are different from ordinary housing. Besides the no barrier living environment for the seniors, it should also consider the health status of the aged, psychological factors, special needs, adjustability of space for future needs and healthy housing. Apart from practicality and comfort, the designs should create a harmonic atmosphere and present an aesthetic space to allow the elderly to enjoy a leisurely and enjoyable living. Currently, self-funded housing designed for the aged is mainly apartments, and the market position is in the two opposite ends. The middle-class seniors are forced to select publicly run self-funded housing. The study aims at introducing a new style of living relationship to provide the aged with multiple choices.



高齡者, 老人, 住宅設計, the aged, elderly homes, housing designs





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