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摘要 本研究旨在以女性主義教育學之觀點,探究國小女性教師教學風格發展之經驗學習歷程,並對五位國小女性教師進行深度訪談,以深入探討國小女性教師所建構之女性經驗學習模式。研究結果發現國小女性教師經驗學習之循環歷程富涵了女性主義教育學之特質(連結、同理、關愛、重視位置性、顧及師生權力關係),而其教學風格與經驗學習則互為影響,且其經驗學習對於教學風格之改善有實質助益;此外,國小女性教師之經驗學習歷程受學校教師美學社群之影響,並且能產生非正式學習之效應;而國小女性教師所建構出的經驗學習模式為多重循環。最後針對女性教師自身、學校及未來研究提出相關建議。
Abstract The thesis is to explore the elementary school female teachers’ teaching style development and the experiential learning from the perspective of the feminist pedagogy. Five elementary school female teachers were interviewed in this study in order to analyze the elementary school female teachers’ experiential learning models. The outcomes of the analysis can be divided into five parts. Firstly, the characteristics of the feminist pedagogy affect the elementary school female teachers’ experiential learning a lot. Secondly, the teaching styles are influenced by the experiential learning while the experiential learning is also affected by the teaching styles at the same time. Thirdly, the experiential learning from the elementary school female teachers benefits to the improvement of the teaching styles. Fourthly, the teachers’ aesthetic communities play an important role on the elementary school female teachers’ experiential learning and then causes to the forming of the informal learning. Fifthly, the experiential learning models constructed by the elementary school female teachers can be seen as the multiple loops. The conclusion reviews the research findings and offers related suggestions



國小女性教師, 女性主義教育學, 經驗學習, 教學風格, elementary school female teacher, feminist pedagogy, experiential learning, teaching style

