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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
近些年來,在歐美國家的女性青少年患有心因性厭食症及暴食症者有逐漸增加的 趨勢,性別、體型意識、家庭社經地位、年齡、社會期許及壓力、人格特質均被認為可能與 飲食異常症有關。本研究之主要目的在於瞭解臺北市高中女生的體型意識、心因性厭食症傾 向及暴食症傾向現況,並且探討各項個人基本特質及體型意識與心因性厭食症傾向、暴食症 傾向之關係。研究對象為臺北市公私立高級中學及職業學校女學生,計有1204名高中女學生 參與研究,以自編之量表及「飲食異常量表」為研究資料收集的工具,結果發現:(1)臺北 市高中女生的體型滿意度偏低,有84.2%者不滿意自己的體型;其「自我認知體型」、「期 望體型」和「實際體型」非常不一致,而且多數人期望自己比實際要瘦,而且多數人也高估 自己的體型。(2)臺北市高中女生具心因性厭食症傾向者為0.7%、具暴食症傾向者為2.3%。 (3)與臺北市高中女生心因性厭食症傾向有關之因素,最主要為「期望體型--敘述」、「自 我認知體型--敘述」兩變項;與暴食症傾向有關之因素最主要為「期望體型--敘述」,其次 是「自我認知體型--敘述」。在邏輯迴歸分析發現,臺北市高中女生心因性厭食症、暴食症 傾向之危險因子僅有「自我認知體型--敘述」一個變項,自我認知體型--敘述由「很瘦」至 「很胖」每增加一個等級,其心因性厭食症、暴食症傾向的可能性增加67%。
The purpose of this study is to understand the status of body image and the tendency of eating disorder of Taipei semior high school girls, and to investiagte the relationship between the personal characteristic and the body image and the tendency of eating disorder. A total of 1204 girls from eight schools were included in this study. The Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) was used as the measurement tool of tendency of eating disorder. The data was analyzed with frequency distribution, percentage, X±SD, test, One-way ANOVA, logistic regression. Results indicated that: (1)The perceived body shape, expected body shape and real body shape judged by BMI were not agreed with each other. (2)The estimated prevalence of anorexia nervosa was 0.7%, and bulimia was 2.3%. (3)The most important factors related with anorexia nervosa were expected body shape description and perceived body shape by description. The most important factors related with bulimia was expected body shape by description, and perceived body shape by description. The only risk factor found for the tendency of anorexia nervosa and bulimia was expected body shape by description. Therefore, the tendency of eating disorder of Taipei semior high school girls was influenced mainly by the body image.
The purpose of this study is to understand the status of body image and the tendency of eating disorder of Taipei semior high school girls, and to investiagte the relationship between the personal characteristic and the body image and the tendency of eating disorder. A total of 1204 girls from eight schools were included in this study. The Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) was used as the measurement tool of tendency of eating disorder. The data was analyzed with frequency distribution, percentage, X±SD, test, One-way ANOVA, logistic regression. Results indicated that: (1)The perceived body shape, expected body shape and real body shape judged by BMI were not agreed with each other. (2)The estimated prevalence of anorexia nervosa was 0.7%, and bulimia was 2.3%. (3)The most important factors related with anorexia nervosa were expected body shape description and perceived body shape by description. The most important factors related with bulimia was expected body shape by description, and perceived body shape by description. The only risk factor found for the tendency of anorexia nervosa and bulimia was expected body shape by description. Therefore, the tendency of eating disorder of Taipei semior high school girls was influenced mainly by the body image.