

學校圖書館是全校師生教學與學習的中心,主要目的在配合學校教育目標,幫助學生基本能力之培養,提供學生資訊需求的場所。本研究旨在探討苗栗縣國中生使用圖書館之調查研究,主要研究目的如下:一、探討苗栗縣國中生休閒與資訊需求。二、探討苗栗縣國中生使用學校圖書館情形。三、學校圖書館應具備那些功能。四、苗栗縣國中生對學校圖書館滿意度。 本研究首先藉由文獻分析來探討國民中學圖書館的發展及功能,其次蒐集整理國內圖書館使用相關文獻,作為對國中生進行問卷調查的參考,然後再藉由苗栗縣國中生問卷調查,將蒐集獲得知資料統計分析。 本研究發現苗栗縣國中生很少以圖書館作為休閒場所,碰到問題時不常到圖書館請教,查詢資料以上網為主,看書以在家為多,較少到圖書館看書;苗栗縣國中生使用學校圖書館頻率不高,使用時間以下課休息為主,使用圖書館以傳統借還書為主,借閱書籍以語文類居多;學校圖書館應具備以下功能:一、閱讀中心功能。二、學習中心功能。三、參考諮詢中心功能。四、傳統媒體中心功能。五、休閒娛樂中心功能。六、生活教育中心功能。七、遠距學習中心功能。八、生涯規劃中心功能。九、推廣活動中心功能。十、校史文化中心功能。
School library is the teaching and learning center of the teachers and students of the whole school. Its major objectives are to meet the educational goal of the school, to help students nurture their basic capability, and to provide information for students. This research is to aim at studying the junior high school students of Miaoli using libraries. The primary research objectives are as follows: 1. to study the demand of information from the junior high school students of Miaoli; 2. to study the conditions of junior high school students of Miaoli using the school libraries; 3. to see the functions to be performed by the school libraries; 4. to see the degree of satisfaction the junior high school students of Miaoli have towards school libraries. This research first uses essay analysis to study the development and functions of the junior high school libraries; then it collects and compiles related essays of the libraries within the nation for reference to design questionnaires for the junior high school students; finally statistic analysis based on the information of these questionnaires will be done. This research has discovered that the junior high school students of Miaoli seldom treat the libraries as recreation centers. Even when they encounter problems, they seldom go to seek help from the libraries. They simply obtain information mainly by going online, and they mainly read at home rather than going to the libraries. The frequency of using the school libraries by the junior high school students of Miaoli is not high, and they do so mainly after school. They use the traditional way of borrowing and returning books, and the books they borrow most are language ones. School libraries should perform the following functions: 1. a reading center; 2. a learning center; 3. a research and information center; 4. a traditional media center; 5. a recreation center; 6. a life education center; 7. a distant learning center; 8. a life plan center; 9. an activity promotion center; 10. a school archives and cultural center.



學校圖書館, 圖書館利用, school library, utilization of library

