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Department of Geography, NTNU
Department of Geography, NTNU
零售地理學原本關注的焦點為「零售組織」與「區位」,80年代晚期,「新」零售地理學的出現,與整個地理學思維方式的改變有關。文化地理學、行為地理學、政治經濟學…等觀點,都為零售地理的討論,提供更寬廣的面向。 本文主要探討臺灣零售業中的量販店,包括四個議題:第一,量販業在商品鏈中的角色轉變;第二,跨國公司的調適與在地化;第三,土地使用制度的限制與轉向;第四,資金流動。
Changing of the retail geography has received special attention since the late 1980s. "New" retail geography has been influenced by cultural geography, behavioral geography and political-economy perspectives. Based on the concept of new retail geography, the main object of this research is to discuss Liangfang stores in Taiwan. There are four foci: (1)the reconfiguration of commodity chains; (2)the adjustment and localization of multinational corporations (MNCS); (3)the qualitative role of the state; (4)the transformation and flow to retail capital.
Changing of the retail geography has received special attention since the late 1980s. "New" retail geography has been influenced by cultural geography, behavioral geography and political-economy perspectives. Based on the concept of new retail geography, the main object of this research is to discuss Liangfang stores in Taiwan. There are four foci: (1)the reconfiguration of commodity chains; (2)the adjustment and localization of multinational corporations (MNCS); (3)the qualitative role of the state; (4)the transformation and flow to retail capital.