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Department od Education, NTNU


本研究旨在探討我國現行國民中小學公民教育本科及相關課程之教材內涵,以作 今後設計課程、編輯教村之參考。為達成研究目的,本研究以內容分析為主,並輔以文獻探討和歷史研究法。公民教育的意義,大致可以分為廣義和狹義兩種。本研究所採的定義是:「公民教育是各級學校透過有關課程的教學和各種訓育活動等方式,以增進學生的責任心和榮譽感,進而培養其成為具有現代公民品德、知識、技能、態度的健全公民之教育歷程。」實際分析之範圍,包括國民小學生活與偏理、社會、健康教育、國語、團體活動、輔導活動等科目,以及國民中學公民與道德、健康教育、國文、歷史、地理、童軍訓練、指導活動等科目之內涵。研究者在閱讀有關文獻、法令規章、課程標準及國民中小學教科書之後,採用我國多數學者所同意之看法,認為公民教育的內涵應包括道德、法律、政治、經濟、社會、文化等六個層面,每一個層面再依其涵義,參酌現階段我國政治社會環境,考慮國民中小學身心發展,將各層面之內涵細分為若干領域項目,以作為公民教育有關科目教材內容之類目。
The purpose of this research is to analyze the contents of civic education and its related courses of our elementary and secondary schools and the findings will be used as reference for the editing and design of such curriculum and its related teaching materials. To complete this goal, I use the content analysis as the major method of my research, supplemented by document discussion and method of historical research. Generally, the civic education has two definitions, namely, the broad definition and the narrow definition. But the definition of my research is :”Schools of different levels are using the civic education and the teaching materials of the related course and activities to increase and strengthen the senses of responsibility and honor of students, with a purpose that they will become the modern people of tomorrow with good moral character, new knowledge and skills, and right attitude.” Therefore, the scope of analysis is extended to cover many related courses taught in our elementary schools, such as moral education, social education, health education, Chinese, group activity, and mental guidance;even including some related courses of our secondary schools, like civic and moral education. Health education, Chinese, history, geography, training of scouts, and supervision activity. Upon a perusal of the related documents, laws and stipulations, curriculums and textbooks of our elementary and secondary schools, I am inclined to believe that the civic education is an interdisciplinary course, composed of six levels, such as the moral, law, politic, economic, social, and cultural levels. For making the further analysis in this research, each of these levels will be divided into several items in accordance with its contents and by reference to our existing political and social situations and the physical and mental development of our elementary and secondary school students. On basis of the findings from the document discussion and content analysis, the conclus


