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過去文獻曾指出關係連結與利社會行為的關聯,卻鮮少檢視同理心在這兩者之間的關係。而本研究主要目的在於探討大學生社會連結感、同理心對利社會行為的預測與影響,並進一步檢驗同理心的三因子模型在社會連結感與利社會行為之間的中介效果。以台灣正就讀大一至大五的本國籍大學生作為研究對象,共638個有效樣本。研究方法採立意取樣搭配網路問卷填答,參與者共完成三份量表:「社會連結感量表修正版」、「成人基本同理心量表修正版」以及「成人利社會行為量表」。主要研究結果如下:1. 同理心的三向度「情緒感染」、「認知同理」與「情緒去連結」皆在大學生的性別上有顯著差異,且女性顯著高於男性;而社會連結感與利社會行為,則在大學生的性別與年級上均無顯著差異。2. 高社會連結感組的大學生在「同理心的認知同理」以及「利社會行為」上顯著高低社會連結感組。3. 大學生的「社會連結感」、「同理心的情緒感染」與「同理心的認知同理」皆能有效正向預測「利社會行為」。4. 大學生的社會連結感透過「同理心的認知同理」間接影響利社會行為,部分中介效果成立。最後,亦將提供大學生輔導與諮商及助人專業者相關的建議,並針對本研究的限制與未來方向進行討論。
Although correlational research has linked social connectedness with prosocial behavior, it is still unclear about the role of empathy between them. The aim of this study attempts to explore the relationship among social connectedness, empathy, and prosocial behaviors in college students. This research also examines the latest perspective of empathy from three dimensions (emotional contagion, cognitive empathy and emotional disconnection) and its mediate effects on social connectedness and prosocial behaviors. Participants of this study, 638 Taiwanese college students (N = 638), filled in on-line questionnaires of “Social Connectedness Scale Revised, SCS-R”, “The Basic Empathy Scale for Adult’s Revised, BES-AR” and “Scale for Adult’s Prosocialiness, SAP” and so on. The data was quantitatively analyzed through multiple hierarchical regression and bootstrapping methods. Results of this research showed female students all scored higher in the three dimensions of empathy than male students; however, there’s no significant gender and grade difference in social connectedness and prosocial behavior. The study also found students with higher degrees of social connectedness indicated significant difference in cognitive empathy and prosocial behavior. Furthermore, college students with social connectedness, empathy of emotional contagion and cognitive empathy can positively predict prosocial behaviors. To conclude, the relationship between social connectedness and prosocial behaviors was partially mediated by cognitive empathy. According to these findings, the study also provides further suggestions for future research directions and the practitioners.
Although correlational research has linked social connectedness with prosocial behavior, it is still unclear about the role of empathy between them. The aim of this study attempts to explore the relationship among social connectedness, empathy, and prosocial behaviors in college students. This research also examines the latest perspective of empathy from three dimensions (emotional contagion, cognitive empathy and emotional disconnection) and its mediate effects on social connectedness and prosocial behaviors. Participants of this study, 638 Taiwanese college students (N = 638), filled in on-line questionnaires of “Social Connectedness Scale Revised, SCS-R”, “The Basic Empathy Scale for Adult’s Revised, BES-AR” and “Scale for Adult’s Prosocialiness, SAP” and so on. The data was quantitatively analyzed through multiple hierarchical regression and bootstrapping methods. Results of this research showed female students all scored higher in the three dimensions of empathy than male students; however, there’s no significant gender and grade difference in social connectedness and prosocial behavior. The study also found students with higher degrees of social connectedness indicated significant difference in cognitive empathy and prosocial behavior. Furthermore, college students with social connectedness, empathy of emotional contagion and cognitive empathy can positively predict prosocial behaviors. To conclude, the relationship between social connectedness and prosocial behaviors was partially mediated by cognitive empathy. According to these findings, the study also provides further suggestions for future research directions and the practitioners.
大學生, 同理心, 利社會行為, 社會連結感, college student, empathy, prosocial behavior, social connectedness