

本研究主要目的在探討「自學式親職性教育手冊計畫」介入,對高中學生家長與子女溝通有關兩性交往議題的覺察度、態度、自我效能、溝通行為及溝通技巧的影響,更進一步了解高中學生家長對此自學式手冊之評價與心得。 本研究採「準實驗組設計」,立意選取台北市立兩所高中之高一學生家長為研究對象,招募到實驗組33人,對照組38人。實驗組聆聽一小時的手冊說明,並接受四週的自學式親職性教育手冊介入,以及一次電話提醒;對照組則未接受任何教育介入。在實驗介入前,研究對象同時接受前測,後測則在介入後進行,採郵寄問卷方式。所得資料以卡方檢定、配對t檢定、共變數分析、詹森內曼檢定、麥氏考驗等進行分析,得到重要結果如下: 一、自學式親職性教育手冊介入後,能顯著改善實驗組高中學生家長之「親子溝通覺察度」、「對子女兩性交往的態度」、「對溝通內容的自我效能」、「對溝通技巧的自我效能」以及「負向溝通技巧」,至於「對子女異性交往的態度」、「親子溝通行為」以及「正向溝通技巧」的增進則不顯著。 二、比較實驗組及對照組後測的結果發現,自學式親職性教育手冊介入後,實驗組高中學生家長之「親子溝通覺察度」、「對子女兩性交往的態度」、「對溝通內容的自我效能」以及「對溝通技巧的自我效能」都明顯的優於對照組家長。 三、整體而言,81.9 %的家長表示手冊有助於他們提高對溝通技巧的覺察度;高達100 %的家長都認為手冊有助於他們建立更正向的親子溝通態度;有75.8 %的家長則認為此手冊能使其更有自信於跟子女溝通兩性交往議題;更有高達93.9 %的家長願意依照手冊教導的去做。 根據本研究結果,建議未來在推動親職性教育時,可以自學式手冊作為輔助的管道,讓家長更重視子女在青春期階段的兩性交往問題,並提高家長於溝通技巧上的學習效果。
The purpose of this study is to develop an involvement program through educational channel at “Self-Learning Sex Education Manual” focusing on teaching parents communicating with their children about getting along with the opposite sex, and to discuss the efforts of this program. A non-equivalent experiment control group design was used. 48 parents of 1th grade students from one municipal senior high school in Taipei City were recruited as experimental subjects, and 67 parents from a senior high school of similar geographical and cultural location composed the control group. The parents in the experiment group listened to the manual of an hour explain, taked Self-Learning Sex Education Manual intervention for four weeks, and received once telephone-reminded. On the contary, the parents in the control group received no intervention. There were 71 parents (33 parents for the experiment group and 38 parents for the control group) who filled out relevant measurements including pre/post questionnaires of effectiveness evaluation of the program and process evaluation questionnaires of the manual. The statistics methods included Chi-square test, Paired t test, one-way ANCOVA, Johonson-Neyman test, and McNemar test. The major results were as follows: 1. After intervention, the parents of experiment group could significantly improve “parent-adolescent communicative awareness” “attitudes toward adolescent getting along with both sex” “self-efficacy about communication content” “self-efficacy about communication skills” and “negative communication skills”, but for “attitudes toward adolescent getting along with the opposite sex” “parent-adolescent communication behavior” and “positive communication skills”, the increase was not significant. 2. The intervention program could significantly increase “parent-adolescent communicative awareness” “attitudes toward adolescent getting along with both sex” “self-efficacy about communication content” and “self-efficacy about communication skills”. 3. Approximately 82% of the parents thought that the manual was helpful to enhance their awareness of communication skills. All of them thought it contributive to positive attitude toward parent-adolescent communication. About 76% of them express the manual could make their confident on communicating with their children about getting along with the opposite sex. Furthermore, up to 93.9% of them are willing to do the instructions in the manual. According to this result of study, we suggest that a self-learning manual like this should be regarded as an auxiliary channel transmitting the information about getting along with the opposite sex in adolescence and about communication skills to parents.



自學式手冊, 家長, 親職教育, 性教育, 親子溝通, self-learning manual, parents, parenting education, sex education, parent-adolescent communication





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