文化創意商品設計探究 - 以「慶豐」中藥包裝設計為例

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中藥對中國人而言,是根據中國醫學理論用來防治人類疾病。近年來隨著人們觀念而開始改變,購買中藥藥品已經不再局限於是否達到療效這個想法,開始著重結合養生文化的深層思考理念,遂成為現今文化創意發展的重要產業之一。 本文旨在建立「慶豐」中藥品牌,以其作為創作主題,透過相關文獻探討與個案研究後,進行傳統中藥產業經營的現況調查,經過分析研究後,歸納整理出傳統中藥產業與現代包裝設計的關係,經由此研究瞭解當前臺灣傳統中藥產業的發展現況與未來趨勢,以及當前社會消費思維的轉變,藉此進行「慶豐」中藥品牌形象定位與聚焦,希望建構一個兼具傳統與現代、創新與獨特的中藥品牌。 創作的內容是因應當前社會消費思維的模式與型態,為傳統中藥產業建構新的形象策略。所以「慶豐」中藥希望以自然、健康、養生為特色,落實精緻、用心、品質的中藥品牌訴求,並透過新的策略拓展消費群,重新建構市場定位及時代的需求,將中藥文化重新轉化,運用現代的設計語彙把傳統的文化內涵具體的展現出來,重新建構以形塑品牌意義,並規劃與設計品牌的視覺形象及包裝創作。 本研究包裝設計創作內容為「古典」及「現代」系列,其中融入中國傳統圖案「四君子」梅蘭竹菊,藉由其特有的中國文化內涵及節氣意義,來表現簡約樸實的風格,傳達人文意涵。運用不同的設計組合,希望將現代設計融合中國文化元素,來體現富有東方風格的文創包裝設計,藉此形塑「慶豐」中藥的品牌特色與產品價值。
Traditional Chinese medicine serves to prevent people from diseases on the basis of Chinese medicine theory. As people have changed their ideas in recent years, whether it is effective is not the only consideration for choosing Chinese medicine. They have begun to focus on the incorporation of the subtle concept regarding regimen culture. Consequently, Chinese medicine has become one of the most important developing cultural and creative industries. This thesis aims to establish the brand of Chinese medicine store Ching-feng as a creative theme. We investigate the current status of traditional Chinese medicine industry operating through literature reviews and case studies. Afterwards, the relationship between traditional Chinese medicine industry and modern packaging design is analyzed. By so doing, we can understand the current development and the future trend of Taiwan’s traditional Chinese medicine industry as well as the change of consumptive thought in the contemporary society. For this reason, this study seeks to identify the definition and the focus of Chinese medicine brand---Ching-feng, and hopes to build the brand with traditional, modern, innovative and unique properties. The content of creation is to respond to the current thinking and pattern of consumption in the society, so as to set up a new image strategy for traditional Chinese medicine. As a feature of nature, health, and healthful life style, Ching-feng fulfills elaboration, dedication and quality as the brand appeal. It is proposed that we should employ new strategies to attract consumers, and reconstruct the market orientation as well as the needs of the times. By so doing, we are able to convert the Chinese medicine culture, showing the cultural connotation of tradition by the use of modern design language, reshaping the brand, and planning and desining the visual image and packaging creation. “Classic Series” and “Modern Series” are the theme of this study regarding the packaging design and creation. The design characterizes the picture profiling “Junzi”, the name of Chinese medicine meaning “four gentlemen”, hoping to express the Chinese traditional humanistic and moral implication, and thus emphasize the style of originality and simplicity. This study wishes to integrate the elements of Chinese drawing into modern design, so as to realize the Oriental style in cultural and creative packaging design, and consequently feature the brand image as well as the product value of “Ching-feng” Chinese medicine.



中藥產業, 文化創意商品, 包裝設計, 四君子, Chinese medicine industry, cultural and creative product, packaging design, Junzi (Four Gentlemen)





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