運動用品自創品牌歷程之研究 ─以A品牌為例

dc.contributorChih-fu Chengen_US
dc.contributor.authorYu-kun Tsaien_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣過往以代工業為主,品牌的投入與認知相對較低,加上企業經營國際化不易,使得運動用品製造商卻步,但品牌所帶來的高附加價值卻可以為傳統的製造業帶來轉機。因此,本研究目的為探究臺灣運動用品製造商品牌發展歷程。研究者以半結構式訪談,於2012年2月1日至5月1日進行調查研究,訪談A品牌董事長、母企業董事長、董事、業務共計6名人員。綜整研究發現如下: 一、A品牌2007年自創品牌投入臺灣市場,跨入因素是因二代企業主留學返國後接手公司運作,而經營品牌又是夢想,因此,自發性的投入品牌經營。但仍維持代工製造,期盼代工製造與品牌經營增加獲利,雙頭並進,永續經營。 二、A品牌發展至今約5年,現行品牌權益以品牌忠誠度、品牌知名度、品牌品質為主要發展方向,而品牌聯想與品牌附加價值則尚未完善,此與品牌發展為期不長有著相當關係,盡力建構完善品牌權益才能有效提升品牌獲利。 三、A品牌經營初期無通路、無經驗,直到聘用體育運動背景的專業人才後才突破困境,由小眾市場著手進行,以贊助、成為賽事用球為具體推動策略,未來將以臺灣經驗為品牌經營的範本,進軍中國大陸,邁向國際市場。 本研究結果將提供給個案公司做為未來發展品牌的參考,也提供相關臺灣製造業者投入經營品牌的參酌依據。除此之外,建議後續研究可針對品牌國際化策略進行研究,更深入了解運動用品品牌經營策略。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the past few decades, Taiwan’s major business was Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), where investment and cognition of brands were relatively low. With the difficulties in running international enterprise, many sporting goods manufacturers were struggling to step in owned brand business field. However, Own Branding& Manufacturing (OBM) development would add high value to traditional manufacturing and lead to a turning point. The main purpose of this study is to research sporting goods OBM development in Taiwan. Semi-structured interviews were used for the research during February 1st to May 1st. By interviewing the president, the president of their parent company, board members and sales of the case, Brand A Company, with a total of 6 persons, researcher organized some general points as followed. 1. Brand A created a self-owned brand and operated in Taiwanese market in 2007 as their second generation took over the company after studying abroad. They always had vision of making an owned brand. Thus, they spontaneously started the OBM business. On the other hand, the parent company continued their OEM business, and they expect to increase their revenue through two manufacturing models, making further sustainable development. 2. Having been developed for five years, the main direction of Brand A Company’s current brand equity is to grow brand loyalty, brand awareness and brand quality. Brand A Company has not developed in OBM field for a long time and that directly affected brand association and brand’s added value which were still not mature enough. Focusing on building brand equity may efficiently lead to boosting company revenue. 3. At the initial stage, Brand A Company had no selling channels and zero experience. They broke through their difficulties after they recruited sales with professional sports background to promote their brand. First starting with brand marketing in niche market, Brand A’s strategy was to become a major sponsor and secure association balls in official matches. They expected to take their experience of operating OBM in Taiwan as a model, moving forward to China and, moreover, to the global market. The research results will be provided to Company as reference for their future OBM development, and also will be serviced as other Taiwanese manufacturers’ investing reference. Additionally, future study of strategy to internationalize a brand could be a follow-up to understand more on sports brand operation and management.en_US
dc.subjectsports branden_US
dc.subjectsmall and medium enterprises in Taiwanen_US
dc.subjectsporting goods OBMen_US
dc.subjectbrand equityen_US
dc.title運動用品自創品牌歷程之研究 ─以A品牌為例zh_TW
dc.titleCase Study of Sporting Goods OBM Development: The Case of Brand Aen_US

