dc.contributor | 陳益興 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | 王鈺雯 | zh_TW |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-08-28T02:39:50Z | |
dc.date.available | 2003-9-1 | |
dc.date.available | 2019-08-28T02:39:50Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2003 | |
dc.description.abstract | 本研究的主要目的在於瞭解臺北市青少年網路咖啡消費動機與消費行為,並探討外在環境因素、個人背景因素及消費動機因素與網路咖費消費行為的關係,以及性別因素在外在環境、消費動機與消費行為部份之差異。 為達成上述研究目的,本研究首先利用焦點團體法及文獻探討,深入瞭解青少年身心發展狀況與可能影響青少年網路咖啡消費行為之因素;之後,編制調查問卷,採非機率抽樣法之配額樣本,針對戶籍居住於臺北市且有網路咖啡消費經驗之滿十二歲至未滿十八歲青少年進行調查,取得五一三份有效問卷,並透過次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、卡方獨立性考驗、列聯相關係數、Cramer’s V係數、獨立樣本t考驗及百分比同質性考驗等統計方法加以解釋,獲得下列結論: 一、外在環境因素總量表的平均得分高過中間值。 二、臺北市網路咖啡青少年大部份都有與家人同住;超過五成表示其與家人的感情是屬於良好的;九成有知心朋友;超過五成與同學的人際關係是屬於良好的狀況;超過六成對課業感興趣;大部份覺得自己的學業狀況是屬於普通的。 三、消費動機因素總量表的平均得分高過中間值。 四、在消費行為之消費次數方面,「去過十次以上」占最大比率;消費頻率方面,「每月一次以下」占最大比率;消費時間方面,「一至三小時」占最大比率;在消費金額方面,「低於100元」占最大比率;金錢來源方面,「長輩給的零用錢」占最大比率;在從事活動方面,「玩線上遊戲」占最大比率。 五、「外在環境因素」與青少年網路咖啡消費的「次數」、「頻率」、「時間」、「金額」、「金錢來源」及「從事活動」都是有相關的。 六、就學狀況與青少年網路咖啡消費行為的「金額」、「金錢來源」及「從事活動」有相關,但與「次數」、「頻率」及「時間」並無相關;與父親關係與「次數」及「金錢來源」有相關,但與「頻率」、「時間」、「金額」及「從事活動」無相關;與母親關係與「頻率」、「時間」、「金額」及「金錢來源」有相關,但與「次數」及「從事活動」無相關;與兄弟姊妹關係與「次數」、「頻率」、「時間」、「金額」及「從事活動」有相關,但與「金錢來源」無相關;人際關係與「金錢來源」有相關,但與「次數」、「頻率」、「時間」、「金額」及「從事活動」無相關;課業興趣與「次數」、「頻率」、「時間」、「金額」、「從事活動」有相關,但與「金錢來源」無相關;課業狀況與「次數」、「頻率」、「時間」及「從事活動」有相關,但與「金額」及「金錢來源」無相關。 七、「消費動機因素」與青少年網路咖啡消費的「次數」、「頻率」、「時間」、「金額」及「從事活動」有相關,但與「金錢來源」無相關。 八、臺北市青少年網路咖啡消費外在環境因素,無論是網咖設備正向因素、網咖服務正向因素或其他外在環境因素,皆無男、女不同之性別差異存在。 九、臺北市青少年在網路咖啡之消費動機方面,無論是好奇動機、成就動機或親合動機,皆有男、女不同之性別差異存在。 十、臺北市青少年在網路咖啡之消費行為方面,在「次數」、「頻率」、「時間」、「金額」、「金錢來源」與「從事活動」皆有男、女不同之性別差異存在。 根據以上結論與後續針對臺北市網路咖啡青少年個案所做的發展任務訪談結果,提出下列建議: 一、青少年方面:慎選網路咖啡店與休閒場所、慎選友伴與培養良好的人際互動、建立與父母師長的良性互動、提昇自身對時間的控制力、學習控制慾望與建立良好金錢觀、學習生涯規劃與建立人生願景、認識自我特質並肯定自己、提昇情緒控制的能力與方法、建立一套健康積極的人生哲學。 二、家長方面:營造氣氛和諧溫暖的家、培養良好親子關係、建立良好雙向溝通互動模式、善盡為人父母的職責、以身作則遵守法律做子女的榜樣、多陪伴關心子女、適當提供電腦軟硬體設備、增進電腦資訊能力與興趣。 三、學校方面:教師應加強教學設計引起學生學習興趣、重視多元智慧肯定學生多方面的成就、尊重個別差異肯定學生的努力、營造和諧融洽的班級氣氛、主動關心學生家庭與平日生活狀況、增進自身資訊素養能力與興趣;行政單位應對網路咖啡要有正確的認識與瞭解、加強綜合活動輔導課程的實施、充分利用學校資訊設備、辦理多元社團與營隊活動、提供各種休閒活動內容與機會。 四、業者方面:提供優質的設備與環境、確實配合法令做好管制、朝向社區資訊教室邁進、協助提振國內資訊產業。 五、政府方面:教育部門應落實青少年發展任務之輔導、鼓勵家長多充實親職教育知能、提昇學校資訊設備與教師資訊素養、輔導網路咖啡成為社會教育一環;立法部門應加速通過一套全國共通的網路咖啡專法、以嚴格管理取代禁止申設、增進法律執行時之可行性;經濟部門應給合法且符合規定之網路咖啡店優良標章、鼓勵網路咖啡業與資訊業結合共同開發國際市場。 六、未來研究方面:擴大研究對象、嘗試考驗構念效度、考慮量化與質化資料的統整方法、進行被簡化部份的後續研究。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | The primary objects of this research are, namely to understand the motive for consumption and the consumer behavior, explore the extrinsic factors, the personal factors and the consumptive motive factors in the consumer behavior of youngsters who frequent in Internet cafés in Taipei City, and explain the effect of gender on the discrepancy in the extrinsic factors, the motive for consumption and consumer behavior. To achieve the aforesaid objects of research, this research involves the following steps. Study youngsters’ physical and mental development and the possible factors in the youngsters’ consumer behavior in Internet cafés by means of Focus Group and literature review. Prepare the questionnaire for a survey, acquire quota samples by conducting non-probability sampling, and conduct the survey on youngsters who are between 12 and 18 years old, have their household registered in Taipei City and have ever gone to Internet cafés. We get 513 copies of effectively answered questionnaire. We analyze the answers given to the questionnaire, by statistical means, namely number distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test of independence, contingency correlation coefficient, Cramer’s V coefficient, independent sample t-test, and percentage homogeneity test. Our findings are as follows. 1. In the measurement table about extrinsic factors, the mean is greater than the median. 2. Youngsterswho visit Internet cafés in Taipei city are mostly living with their family. More than 50% of them say they are on good terms with their family, more than 90% say they have good friends, more than 50% on good terms with their classmates, more than 60% enjoy going to school, and most of them believe that their academic performance is so-so. 3. In the measurement table about motive for consumption, the mean is greater than the median. 4. As regards consumer behavior in terms of the number of visits, each of the following ranks the first in their respective questions: “having been to Internet cafés for more than ten times”, “going to Internet cafés less than once a month”, “spending one to three hours in an Internet café”, “spending less than one hundred NT Dollars, “petty cash given by parents” and “playing online games”. 5. Extrinsic factors correlates with “number of visits”, “how often”, “duration”, “amount of money spent”, “source of money”, and “what they do in Internet cafés”, regarding youngsters’ visit to Internet cafés. 6. Schooling correlates with “amount of money spent on Internet cafés”, “source of money for going to Internet cafés” and “what to do in Internet cafés”, as far as the youngsters’ consumer behavior in Internet cafés is concerned. However, in this regard, schooling does not correlate with “number of visits”, “how often” and “duration”. As regards the youngsters’ relations with their fathers, their Internet café consumer behavior correlates with “number of visits” and “source of money”, but it does not correlate with “how often”, “duration”, “amount of money spent” and “what they do in Internet cafés”. As regards the youngsters’ relations with their mothers, their Internet café consumer behavior correlates with “how often”, ”duration”, “amount of money spent” and “source of money” , but it does not correlate with “number of visits” and “what they do in Internet cafés”. As regards the youngsters’ relations with their siblings, their Internet café consumer behavior correlates with “number of visits”, “how often”, ”duration”, “amount of money spent” and “what theydo in Internet cafés” , but it does not correlate with “source of money”. Their personal relations correlate with “source of money”, but it does not correlate with “number of visits”, “how often”, ”duration”, “amount of money spent” and “what they do in Internet cafés”. Whether they enjoy going to school correlates with “number of visits”, “how often”, ”duration”, “amount of money spent” and “what they do in Internet cafés”, though it does not correlate with “source of money”. Their opinionsabout their own academic performance correlate with “number of visits”, “how often”, ”duration”, “what they do in Internet cafés”, but it does not correlate with “amount of money spent” and “source of money”. 7. As regards the youngsters’ consumer behavior in Internet cafés, their motive for consumption correlates with “number of visits”, “how often”, ”duration”, “amount of money” and “what they do in Internet cafés”, but it does not correlate with “source of money”. 8. Gender does not have any effect on any extrinsic factors in youngsters’ consumer behavior in the Internet cafés in Taipei City, whether the extrinsic factors are positive factors in the facilities of an Internet café or positive factors in the services of an Internet café or any other extrinsic factors. 9. As regards the youngsters who visit Internet cafés in Taipei City, their motives for consumption vary, depending on gender, whether the motives are related to curiosity, fulfillment or affinity. 10. As regards the youngsters who visit Internet cafés in Taipei City, gender determines “number of visits”, “how often”, ”duration”, “amount of money spent”, “source of money”and “what they do in Internet cafés”. In light of the aforesaid conclusions and the findings of the “developmental task” interviews conducted on the youngsters who frequent Internet cafés in Taipei City, we make the following proposals. 1. Youngsters Choose Internet cafés and leisure facilities carefully. Choose companions carefully; maintain good personal interaction. Have good interaction with parents and teachers. Improve one’s time management. Learn to control one’s desires; master one’s financial management. Learn to carry out one’s career planning; create visions of one’s future. Recognize one’s features, and appreciate and accept oneself. Improve one’s capability and method of emotionalcontrol. Create one’s healthy, positive philosophy. 2. Parents Provide a harmonious, genial family. Maintain good parent-child relations. Build a good interactive model for two-way communication. Do one’s best to fulfill one’s parental duties. Set a good example with one’s own conduct; abide by the law, so as to become a model of good parents. Spend more time with one’s children, and be concerned about one’s children. Provide one’s children with computer hardware and software in an appropriate manner, so as to improve the children’s computer skills and increase their enthusiasm for computer. 3. Schools Teachers should improve the design of their teaching so as to enhance students’ interest in their studies. Attach importance to diversified intelligence. Appreciate and accept students’ various achievements. Respect whatever discrepancies in students’ idiosyncrasy. Appreciate and accept the efforts made by students. Mold a friendly, harmonious atmosphere in class. Take the initiative in being concerned about students’ family life and daily life. Improve one’s computer skills and enthusiasm in computer. Administrative units should have a good understanding of Internet cafés. Intensify the implementation of integrated activity counseling courses. Made good use of the information-related facilities of the school. Organize diversified on-campus or outbound extracurricular activities. Provide various leisure facilities. 4. Businesspersons Provide equipment and facilities of good quality. Honestly and strictly abide by related laws. Strive to turn Internet cafés into community-oriented classrooms for learning information technology. Assist the Taiwan-based industry in reinforcing the information technology industry in Taiwan. 5. Government The education authority should strictly implement its counseling services for youngsters’ developmental tasks. Encourage parents to acquire knowledge and ability related to parental duties. Increase schools’ facilities of computer science; brush up teachers’ computer knowledge. Help Internet cafés become a part of social education system. The legislature should enact a special law as soon as possible to govern Internet cafés across the country, so as to enforce the management, crime-fighting, prohibition and registration of Internet cafés strictly and facilitate the enforcement of the laws related to Internet cafés. The competent authority in charge of economic affairs should award excellence insignias to Internet cafés founded lawfully and abide by the law. Encourage the Internet café industry and the information technology industry to work together to jointly develop the international market. 6. Subsequent Research Increase the scope of research objects. Attempt to test the validity of concepts. Consider the method for the integration of quantitative data and qualitative data. Conduct subsequent research on simplified parameters and issues. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 政治學研究所 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | N2003000227 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000227%22.&%22.id.& | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85764 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 臺北市 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 青少年 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 網路咖啡 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 消費動機 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 消費行為 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | Taipei City | en_US |
dc.subject | adolescent | en_US |
dc.subject | Internet café | en_US |
dc.subject | consumer motivation | en_US |
dc.subject | consumer behavior | en_US |
dc.title | 壹北市青少年網路咖啡消費動機與消費行為之研究 | zh_TW |
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