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本研究旨在探討兩位資深國小英語教師對於大班級程度差異的教學信念與教學行為。本研究提出三個問題:<一> 英語教師對於大班級程度差異的教學信念及教學行為為何? <二> 英語教師實施大班級程度差異教學時所面臨的教學困境為何? <三> 英語教師針對大班級程度差異的有效教學行為為何? 為提高研究結果之可信度,本研究採用問卷、訪談、教室觀察、以及研究者反思記錄等多種資料蒐集方式以深入了解兩位資深國小英語教師對於大班級程度差異的教學信念與教學行為。 本研究發現顯示兩位資深國小英語教師皆以教育部訂定的九年一貫課程綱要為授課基準,並以班級內中等程度學生-的學習需求(此部份學生占絕大多數)為教學計畫及活動設計之主要依據。本研究發現,即使大班級內學生之間的英語程度差異甚大,兩位教師仍盡其所能呈現有意義、富彈性、重對話練習的教學活動,如配對活動(pair work)、小組活動(group work)、以及發展不同難度之作業(multilevel homework),以提昇班上每一位學生的學習成效。本研究結果顯示: <一> 教師教學行為深受其教學信念之影響,<二> 英語教師實施大班級程度差異教學時所面臨的教學困境主要為班級經營、英語教材的使用、以及家長對於學生學習所抱持的態度,<三> 有效的教學成效取決於教師本身的教學專業及其努力促使每位學生進步的堅定信念。最後,本研究根據研究發現,對於英語教師、家長、學校、行政單位、師資培育中心等提出建議。
This study aimed to explore two experienced EFL elementary school teachers’ beliefs and classroom practices in teaching large multilevel classes. Three research questions were addressed: (1) What are the teachers’ beliefs and practices toward teaching English in large multilevel classes? (2) What difficulties do the teachers encounter in the process of teaching? (3) What effective classroom teaching strategies are identified by the teachers to maximize students’ learning in large multilevel classes? Various forms of data were collected to enhance the validity of the study namely, questionnaires, interviews, classroom observations, and the researcher’s reflective journals. Findings showed that both teachers insisted on following the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum Guidelines and focused their teaching on the needs of the majority. Though students’ varied English proficiency and other contextual factors hindered the teachers in practicing effective teaching, both teachers were still striving to conduct meaningful communicative activities such as pair work, group work, and multilevel homework. Results of this study highlight the importance of teachers’ beliefs concerning their classroom practices. Besides, several difficulties have been indicated by the teachers in the process of teaching such as classroom management, inadequate teaching materials, and parents’ inappropriate attitude towards students’ learning. Finally, it is believed that successful implementation of effective teaching practices relies on the teachers’ competence and perseverance in balancing their practices between benefiting the majority and facilitating the individual. Pedagogical implications for frontline teachers, parents, school administrators, teacher training programs, and educational authorities are discussed.



EFL, 教師信念, 大班級程度差異, EFL, teachers' belief, large multilevel classes





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