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日本最大網路購物商城「樂天市場(Rakuten Ichiba)」於今年與統一集團合作,合資成立「台灣樂天市場」,因此造成網路購物商城在台掀起一波全新的戰潮。有鑑於此,本研究擬針對台灣B2C網路購物商城「Yahoo!奇摩購物中心」之服務品質顧客滿意度作調查與分析,了解服務品質顧客滿意度與忠誠度之關聯,期望透過對台灣網路購物商城服務品質顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的研究,提出對台灣B2C網路購物商城的發展建議,並作為後續改善之參考。 本研究整合相關文獻後,建構出網路購物商城服務品質與其他面向之相關問項,作為網路購物商城顧客滿意度與忠誠度之問卷內容,並使用網路問卷調查進行探測,其研究結果如下:一、網購族群對台灣B2C網路購物商城服務品質之期望中,以安全性之期望最高、關懷性期望最低,以易用性的感知程度最高、安全性的感知程度最低。二、不同人口結構對網路購物商城服務品質的感知有顯著差異,只有不同年齡、教育程度與網路付款方式才會對期望有顯著差異;在消費行為部分,只有過去單次購物金額會對感知產生顯著差異,期望僅有部分相關。網站介面、購物系統都已趨近消費者期望水準,但在交易過程的安全保護卻遠低於消費者的期望。三、網購族群若能感受到越好的網站商品資訊分類、越快速的解決問題、準時提供商品和個性化商品及服務,就能提升越多的整體滿意度。四、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度有顯著正向關聯。
The biggest online shopping mall in Japan, “Rakuten Ichiba,” cooperated with Uni-President Enterprises Corp to set up “Taiwan Rakuten Ichiba”. This brings a new competition to the Internet shopping market. Due to this situation, the study aims at studying “the service quality of Yahoo! Online Shopping center” to investigate and analyze consumers’ satisfaction as to understand the relation between customers' satisfaction and loyalty. The result of this study expect to provide advice to future improvement and development of Taiwan B2C online shopping. Based on literature review, this study designed questionnaires of service quality on online shopping centers and of other relative aspects as the contents of customers' satisfaction and loyalty to online shopping centers and adopted online questionnaires to proceed with investigation. The results of this study are follows: 1) Among expectations of online shopping users, the highest concerned is security while the lowest is empathy. Usability is the highest of the perception while security is the lowest. 2) There is significant difference in perception of service quality on online shopping centers among different demographic group. Only age, education background and terms of payment do they have an apparent difference in expectations. In terms of consumer behaviors, only the sum of a single purchase is there a distinct difference in perception but it is only partially related to expectation. The interface of the website and the shopping system mostly meet customers' expectation but protection for transaction security is by far lower thanit. 3) If online shopping users can get access to better classified product information on the website, solutions to problems, timely product supply, and personified products as well as service, overall satisfaction will be more increased. 4). There is a very positive correlation with customers' satisfaction and loyalty.



網路購物, 電子商務, 顧客滿意度, 顧客忠誠度, 服務品質, internet online shopping, electronic commerce, consumers’ satisfaction, customers' loyalty, service quality

