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本研究探討之八卦系統,引申易經八卦之精神、意涵,和創造性問 題解決過程融合,探討產品設計學生在不同問題型態於八卦系統之創造性 問題解決模式的差異性,及在三個問題型態應用八卦系統來解決設計問題 時,是否隨著設計次數的增加而增加使用頻率為研究目的。運用問卷調查 法來進行資料蒐集,材質與製作回收24 份,外型設計回收58 份,機能設 計回收34 份,並以卡方考驗及時間序列分析。結果發現材質與製作採用 次數最多的構面為:兌卦(環境互動)、巽卦(支持強化)、坤卦(檢校 對策)、震卦(釐清矛盾)及坎卦(情緒影響)。外型設計採用次數最多 的構面為:兌卦、坤卦及巽卦。機能設計採用次數最多的構面為:兌卦、 巽卦及坤卦。且不論是在材質與製作、外型設計還是機能設計以時間序 列分析結果發現,所採用最多的皆是兌卦,而所採用最少的皆是艮卦(獨 自思考),表示在整體設計過程中在設計時最常由環境互動中獲取設計想 法,而獨自思考為最少。
This study investigated the Bagua system, which referred to the compound of I Ching and Bagua’s sprit, connotation, and the process of creative problem solving (CPS). We discussed further into the product design students’ differences among different problem types in Bagua system’s CPS modes, and when three problem types applied the Bagua system to solve problems, whether they would increase frequency of applying the system as they increase the number of design as the purposes of the study. This study used questionnaires to collect its data, for the material and production part, 24 questionnaires were collected. For the external design part, 58 questionnaires were collected. And for the functional design part, 34 questionnaires were collected. The collected data was analyzed through chi-square test and time series method. Found the material and production part resulted from the highest to the lowest as the following constructs: Tui trigram (interact with the environment), Sun trigram (enhance support), K‘un trigram (countermeasures calibration), Chên trigram (contradictory clarification), and Kên trigram (emotional impact). External design resulted from the highest to the lowest as the following constructs: Tui trigram, K'un trigram, and Sun trigram. Functional design resulted from the highest to the lowest as the following constructs as the following constructs: Tui trigram, Sun trigram, and K'un trigram. In brief, no matter in material and production, external design, or functional design, the most used construct was Tui trigram and the least used one was Kên trigram (critical thinking). This showed that in overall design process, most of the students collected their ideas through interaction with the environment, and they less likely to think critically on their own.



產品設計, 創造性問題解決, 易經八卦, 時間序列, Product design, Creative problem solving, I-Ching and BaGua, Time series





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