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摘要 我國高級工業職業學校的教育目標中,培育學生學習某一職業的基本技能是重要項目之一。本研究主要為高級工業職業學校在規劃專業及實習科目時,提供一個評估模擬架構。為因應國家產業發展與人力需求,遂選定模具製造業為研究對象。並從產業界中模具製造業的情況、課程的相關文獻及配合學校本位課程的理念等因素進行調查,分析高級工業職業學校模具科專業內涵及模具製作需求的工作能力。擬定出模具科專業內涵的專業及實習科目及其評估之模擬架構,以做為學校在課程評估時之參考。 本研究運用模糊德爾菲法調查業界及學界的意見,以模糊語意差別數值進行分析,瞭解模具製造業需求的工作能力及模具科專業內涵的專業及實習科目之重要程度,以及其工作能力與專業及實習科目的相關性,並運用層級分析法將高職模具科模具專業內涵的專業及實習科目進行層級與權重分析。結果發現: (一)模具製造業需求的工作能力計有:判讀工作圖、瞭解模具製造用材料、瞭解熱處理與表面處理、操作傳統機械加工、操作電腦數控機械、使用電腦軟體繪製模具圖、瞭解模具各部結構、組裝模具零件、使用模具生產設備、整修模具零件及量測模具零件等十一項。 (二)模具製作之專業及實習科目計有:可分為三大類二十科目,專業學科類為八項科目、電腦數控實習類為六項科目及專業實習類六項科目。 (三)在層級權重分析三大類科目次序為:專業實習類、專業學科類、電腦數控實習類。 最後依據研究結果擬定模具製作之專業及實習科目評估模擬架構,以做為高級工業職業學校在評估專業及實習課程時之參考。
Abstract It has always been the focus of vocational high school curriculums which is to empower students of one or certain basic skills so as to earn a place and achieve one’s utmost potential in the society. In view of this trend, this study will aim to offer a scheme of evaluation when it to planning the professional and practical training courses. The two criteria of the scheme of evaluation are as follow: in respond to the development in the industry of and the demand of man power in Taiwan, and in accordance with school-based concept which is that each school and teacher can modify the classes to meet the need of school and industry. This dissertation take the example of vocational courses especially in the field of Mould-making, and conduct qualitative analysis from several enterprises and schools to summarize, to modify and to propose a better scheme of evaluation in terms of choosing the suitable curriculums for each school in times to come. In particular, this study uses the Fuzzy Delphi Method to analyze the opinions from enterprises and schools, and employs fuzzy difference value to process the data. These two methods of analysis are used in order to understand the close relation between the work abilities which the Mould-making industries ask for, and the practical applications of lecturing and training which are delivered in class and on the factory site. Furthermore, this study makes a hierarchy among the courses of professional and practical training currently taught in vocational high schools by using the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process. Here are some of the findings: A. the work competency that Mould-making industry needs are: (a) the knowledge of how to read the design draft, and to understand the Mould-making materials, to understand heat treatment and surface hardening of materials, the structure of a Mould product. (b) to operate the traditional mechanical and to operate the computer number control machinery, to design a computer draft, and to measure, assemble and repair Mould parts B. the courses of professional and practical training are classified as three major categories and twenty subjects. There are eight professional disciplines, six computerized practical trainings, and six professionally practical trainings. C. the result of the hierarchical anaylsis are put down as follow: professionally practical training, professional discipline, and computerized practical training. The three finding above are aimed to be the reference of vocational high school when choosing the suitable courses in a new school year.



模具製造業, 工作能力, 專業及實習科目, 模糊德爾菲法, 層級分析法, mould making trade, working competence, professional and practical training courses, fuzzy delphi method, analytic hierarchy process





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