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新北市國民中學實施國際教育之研究 摘 要 本研究旨在探討新北市國民中學實施國際教育之現況,及不同背景變項教師對國際教育實施策略之差異,並分析國際教育實施策略與目標達成之關係。本研究根據文獻探討結果,編製「新北市國民中學實施國際教育問卷」調查蒐集相關資料,以 105學年度新北市公立國民中學教師為研究對象,學校普查而校內教師採抽樣進行調查,共寄發 320 份問卷,回收 252 份,有效問卷 250 份,回收率約為 78%。問卷所得資料以 SPSS 22.0 for Windows 進行處理,資料分析方法包括多變項變異數分析、多元迴歸分析及逐步迴歸分析,再以文獻探討結果比較討論,以歸納出研究結果如下: 一、國際教育實施策略應用在課程融入的層面最廣。 二、國際教育實施策略與目標達成呈正相關。 三、國際教育實施策略對目標達成具有顯著預測力。 四、不同教授領域的國民中學教師,其實施策略以課程融入最具顯著差異。 五、學校申請SIEP的國民中學教師,國際教育實施策略以學校國際化最具顯著差異;而目標達成以國際素養最具顯著差異。 六、多數背景變項的國民中學教師,國際教育實施策略與目標達成並無差異。 研究者根據研究結果,提出對教育上之建議,並針對研究工具及研究方向提出建議,提供未來研究者參考。 關鍵字:國民中學、國際教育、國際教育實施策略、國際教育目標達成
A Study on the Implementation of International Education in Junior High Schools in New Taipei City Summary The study was to investigate the implementation of international education in junior high schools in New Taipei City, to explore the different strategies that teachers employed in international education and to analyze the relationship between international education strategies and achievements. Based on the literature reviews, the questionnaire survey was developed and issued to collect pertinent data. The population was the junior high school teachers of 105 school year in New Taipei City. The total subjects were 320, 252 copies of the questionnaires were collected and 250 copies answered completely. The collecting rate was about 78%. The data of the questionnaire were processed with SPSS 22.0 for Windows. The data analysis methods included MANOVA, multiple regression analysis and stepwise regression analysis. The results were compared with the literature reviews and summarized as follows: 1. Curriculum integration was widely applied in the international education strategy. 2. It reached a positive correlation between the international education strategies and the international education goals. 3. The international education strategies predicted the goals significantly. 4. In the international education strategies, different subject teachers widely applied curriculum integration. 5. Teachers with SIEP employed the school internationalization the most in the strategies whereas global awareness in the goals. According to the findings and conclusions of the study, some suggestions were offered to the education administration authorities and junior high schools, and the further researches respectively. Keywords: international education, junior high school teacher, international education strategy, international education goal



國民中學, 國際教育, 國際教育實施策略, 國際教育目標達成, international education, junior high school teacher, international education strategy, international education goal





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