台北捷運Go App持續使用意願之研究

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本研究旨在探討影響捷運旅客持續使用「台北捷運 Go」App 的關鍵因素,運用資訊系統成功模式 (Information System Success Model, IS) 及科技接受模型 (Technology Acceptance Model, TAM) 作為理論基礎,分析資訊品質、系統品質、服務品質、知覺有用性、知覺易用性及知覺便利性對其持續使用意願的影響,以曾使用該 App 的旅客為研究對象。研究回收了605份有效問卷,並使用SPSS進行數據分析。進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關係數分析及多元迴歸分析,檢視各變數間的影響與關聯。研究結果顯示,資訊品質、系統品質和服務品質對知覺有用性、知覺易用性及知覺便利性有顯著正向影響,且這三個知覺因素對持續使用意願有顯著正向影響。此外,知覺有用性在資訊品質與持續使用意願間具中介效果;知覺易用性在系統品質與持續使用意願間具中介效果;知覺便利性在服務品質與持續使用意願間具中介效果。最後根據研究結果,建議「台北捷運 Go」App 開發業者應優化資訊品質、系統品質和服務品質,以提升使用者的知覺有用性、易用性和便利性,增強持續使用意願,並制定適應不同使用者需求策略,以應對不斷變化的市場需求和競爭環境。
This study aims to explore the key factors influencing MRT passengers' continuous use of the "Taipei MRT Go" App, analyzing the impact of information quality, system quality, service quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived convenience on their intention to continue using the App. The study targets passengers who have used the App, collecting 605 valid questionnaires and using SPSS for data analysis. Descriptive statistics, independent samples t-tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the effects and relationships among the variables.The results show that information quality, system quality, and service quality significantly positively affect perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived convenience, which in turn significantly positively influence continuous use intention. Additionally, perceived usefulness mediates the relationship between information quality and continuous use intention; perceived ease of use mediates the relationship between system quality and continuous use intention; and perceived convenience mediates the relationship between service quality and continuous use intention.Finally, this study suggests that the developers of the"Taipei MRT Go" App should optimize information quality, system quality, and service quality to enhance users' perceived usefulness, ease of use, and convenience, thereby increasing continuous use intention. Furthermore, strategies should be developed to cater to different user needs to address the ever-changing market demands and competitive environment.



「台北捷運Go」App, 資訊系統成功模式, 科技接受模型, 知覺便利性, 持續使用意願, Taipei Metro Go App, Information Systems Success Model, Technology Acceptance Model, Perceived Convenience, Continued Usage





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