
dc.contributorYu, Hsiangen_US
dc.contributor.authorLu, Ying-Yingen_US
dc.description.abstract「一束鮮花,開始改變」是筆者任職於台北花卉產銷股份有限公司(以下簡稱台北花市)以來,努力為花卉及花卉美學創造的定位與核心價值,讓花的美麗為人與人,人與環境之間的關係帶來改變。在推廣花卉美學中,讓花的貨源和花價穩定是很重要的,因此,必須將整個產業資訊流通的速度與生產品質提升,台北花市既然扮演著產業龍頭的角色就應該朝往提供其他國家的用花美學、國際市場資訊與花農種植品種的新知等多項訊息給產銷雙方。對國內,目標讓花走入每個人家裡;對外,希望能將台灣花卉推廣至全世界。 台北花市自1988年成立以來,以花農和花商間的交易平台為定位,交易制度也在1989年引進荷蘭式拍賣系統後,確立以「拍賣為主,預約交易為輔」的模式。而台灣花卉生產模式是以小農為主,大部分的花農都很依賴花卉批發市場,目前全台灣仍有九成以上鮮切花會進入拍賣市場,其中更有四成以上會在台北花市完成交易,這也象徵台北花市對於台灣的花卉產業影響至深。 在2014年台北市政府正式入股後,提供台北花市更多資源。在政府積極輔導產業升級與努力讓產業與國際市場接軌的過程中,發現在目前的交易制度下,衍伸出資訊不透明、通路單一跟花卉品質及價格不穩等問題。也因此,身為花卉產業龍頭,既然擁有產業與政府資源,台北花市未來需要做的事是去協助產業轉型,朝向更多元的方向發展,尤其要將格局擴大,讓台北花卉產銷事業不再只是交易平台,而要創造花卉價值,帶領台灣花卉產業走向永續經營。 本研究旨在發現處於資訊環境變化快速的時代下,花卉產業如何使用新工具、新模式來整合資源並提升產業價值,學習荷蘭與日本這兩個發展較成熟,且以轉型數位化市場為目標的花市。本研究透過文獻探討、深度訪談及個案研究,三種不同方法,整合出對於台北花卉產銷未來經營模式的建議,並提出將格局擴大到國家產業規模的建議,以企業化的方式經營管理,提升產、銷、消三方對花卉產業的信心,朝向「價值再造」、「資訊共享」、「知識傳遞」、「幸福推廣」及「永續經營」這五大目標發展,讓花卉芬芳台灣,耀眼國際。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract“Change begins with a bouquet of fresh flowers,” has been the author’s motto since beginning to work at Taipei Flowers Auction Co., Ltd. (also known as Taipei Flowers), with the core values of the business of flowers being esthetics, positioning and movement. The flower business brings beauty; facilitating relationships between people and the environment. As stability in the supply chain and pricing is vital throughout the progress of promoting the aesthetics of flowers, the key to becoming a leader in this field is advancing the industry’s speed of information transmission and quality of production. In the meantime, it is also important to synchronize global information to provide the latest knowledge of the varieties of cultivars and share other countries’ aesthetics of flowers. For the Taiwanese floral industry, the goal is to put flowers into every home in the nation while promoting Taiwan’s art of flowers to the international market. Providing a trading platform between farmers and florists has been the aim of Taipei Flowers since it was established in 1988. The trading system, Dutch Auction, was imported in 1989, setting up a business model that relies mainly on auctions supplemented by scheduled transactions. Independent flower farmers comprise the primary production model in Taiwan; as a result, a great number of flower farmers depend on flower wholesale markets. According to statistics, 90 percent of flowers grown in Taiwan are sold in auction markets. Of that number, more than 40 percent are auctioned by Taipei Flowers; clearly demonstrating that Taipei Flowers plays a profound role in Taiwan’s floral industry. After the Taipei City Government officially became a shareholder to provide more resources for Taipei Flowers in 2014, the government has actively encouraged the industry to modernize and upgrade. As Taipei Flowers interacted with the global market, problems including the hoarding of information, supply chain insufficiencies, flower quality issues, and unstable prices have come to light under the current trading system. Therefore, as a market leader with considerable resources, Taipei Flowers aims to assist the industry’s transformation towards diverse development. In particular, reform to the structure of Taipei Flowers has included no longer focusing only on production and marketing business as a trading platform, but also working towards leading the industry in adding value and building sustainable management policies. In an era of rapid changes in information and environments, our research aims to discover how the floral industry can use new tools and models to integrate resources in a bid to enhance industry value while learning from more mature floral industries in countries such as the Netherlands and Japan; both of which are currently undergoing major transformations as they synergize into the digital market. Through literature review, in-depth interviews and case studies, this paper integrates recommendations for a future business model for Taipei Flowers’ production and sales and includessuggestions to expand the firm to the scale of a national industry. With a vision that embraces the domestic floral industry, while simultaneously impressing international markets, Taipei Flowers has set forth five major goals of development: value recreation, information sharing, knowledge transferring, happiness promotion and sustainable business. These five pillars will guide the industry as it re-positions for the information age.en_US
dc.subjectaesthetics in flowers and lifestylesen_US
dc.subjectfloral industryen_US
dc.subjectfloral auction marketen_US
dc.subjectonline tradingen_US
dc.subjectmarket transformationen_US
dc.titleThe Repositioning and Business Management of Taipei Flowers Auction in the Age of Information Technologyen_US


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