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賽前預先施以一較高負荷的預先體能活動 (Conditioning Activity, CA) ,使運動單位招募較多肌纖維,可能即時提升後續相似生物力學特性的運動表現,此為活化後增益 (Post-Activation Potentiation, PAP) 機制。2013年 Wilson 等的綜合分析 (Meta-analysis) 提出 PAP 最佳提升運動表現的組合。本文目的:按照綜合分析之組合設計,並將不同組間休息時間運動表現測驗放在同一測驗日,以模擬多數運動項目實際情境,並評估實際成效。方法: 30名阻力訓練經驗1年以上運動員 (25男與5女) ,進行3次*65% 1RM 、2次*75% 1RM 、1次*85% 1RM 半蹲舉後,在10分鐘內不同時間點分別進行垂直跳測驗,為蹲舉後立即、3分鐘、7分鐘、10分鐘。資料處理:使用重複量數單因子變異數分析 (one-way ANOVA, repeated measures),跳躍表現與半蹲舉最大反覆相關性,採用皮爾遜積差相關 (Pearson correlation coefficient ) 。結果: (1) 跳躍表現與半蹲舉最大反覆具有正相關 (2) 垂直跳參數皆無顯著增進表現。結論:本研究有27%受試者從中得到效益,整體無顯著,PAP 對於跳躍表現的影響,將取決於受試者的個別差異。
The purpose of this study was to determine if a power exercise would lead to greater post-activation potentiation (PAP) than a strength exercise, if a immediately, 3, 7, 10 minute rest interval led to a greater counter movement jump (CMJ) performance. Thirty athletes (25 male and 5 female) who had resistance training experience at least 1 year participated in the study and were instructed to complete a pre-test. Than the subject performed 3 repetitions *65% 1RM, 2 repetitions *75% 1RM and 1 repetition *85% 1RM back squat. After back squat, the CMJ ware performed at immediately, 3, 7, or 10 minutes rest interval. Data were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA with repeated measures. Pearson’s product moment correlations between measurements were calculated among back squat and jumping height. Results revealed that there was no difference among rest interval on CMJ performance. There is a positive correlations between the 1RM back squat and CMJ performance. Results suggest that the effect of PAP on jumping performance will be determined by different individual.
The purpose of this study was to determine if a power exercise would lead to greater post-activation potentiation (PAP) than a strength exercise, if a immediately, 3, 7, 10 minute rest interval led to a greater counter movement jump (CMJ) performance. Thirty athletes (25 male and 5 female) who had resistance training experience at least 1 year participated in the study and were instructed to complete a pre-test. Than the subject performed 3 repetitions *65% 1RM, 2 repetitions *75% 1RM and 1 repetition *85% 1RM back squat. After back squat, the CMJ ware performed at immediately, 3, 7, or 10 minutes rest interval. Data were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA with repeated measures. Pearson’s product moment correlations between measurements were calculated among back squat and jumping height. Results revealed that there was no difference among rest interval on CMJ performance. There is a positive correlations between the 1RM back squat and CMJ performance. Results suggest that the effect of PAP on jumping performance will be determined by different individual.
Conditioning activity, PAP, Conditioning activity, PAP