
dc.contributorJong-Long Guoen_US
dc.contributor.authorShu-Chun Linen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要探討台北縣市國中七年級學生背景因素對其生活技能發展影響,進一步發展和運用生活技能量表,評估其生活技能發展現況,瞭解學生生活技能教育需求,提供推行校本生活技能融入各領域課程發展之參考。 本研究對象是依據台北縣市國中七年級學生人數比及國中學生人數學校規模分兩群決定,公立國中七年級班級數規模15班以上學校台北市有26所,台北縣35所。15班以下台北市33所、台北縣27所。分別從中分層抽樣施測19所學校33個班級。發出1320份問卷,回收1200份,有效問卷為1150份。 研究結果發現,顯著影響研究對象整體生活技能的因素中以家庭功能無障礙最具有解釋力,其次為學業成績優者、女生、就讀台北市學校、有宗教信仰。顯著影響人際類技能的因素中以學業成績最具有解釋力,其次為女生、家庭功能無障礙、有宗教信仰、就讀台北市。最顯著影響認知類技能為家庭功能無障礙,其次學業成績優異、學校社經地位高、女生,有宗教信仰。最顯著影響情緒因應類技能因素仍為家庭功能無障礙,其次為學業成績優異,就讀台北市學校。綜合上面敘述,其顯著預測因子大同小異。 生活技能教育需求程度以「如何增進人際關係技能」最高,「如何增進批判性思考」最低。生活技能知識獲得來源前三名為網路、電視、同學朋友。主要從父母親、學校老師、同學朋友處學習生活技能。希望學習生活技能概念形成方式依序為討論、表達、情境類推、腦力激盪、案例分析、發表;學習生活技能概念演練方式則依序為現場演練技巧、創造原則、發表心得、修正;生活技能概念維持依序希望透過交流、觀摩、示範、獎勵方式。希望教材內容呈現方式依序為圖片、漫畫、線上遊戲、戲劇演出、錄影帶。學生在學習學業學習、人際溝通、時間管理、自我管理等方面有較多困難,需要去學習生活技能以解決。學生最常提及需要幫助去處理學業功課、時間管理、金錢經濟、親子關係、同儕朋友關係等。 建議未來研究可對量表進一步發展,加強質性資料收集與各類技能之深入探討。在生活技能教育方面,建議在學校教育中多教導學生生活技能,融入各科教學,並採用學生歡迎之教法。透過親職教育強化父母親生活技能以提昇家庭功能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this survey is to investigate the factors that influence the life skills development of seventh grader student in Taipei city and county and to explore their needs in life skill education and to provide suggestions for future expanding to different learning areas in the future. The subjects were based on the seventh grader students in junior high schools that were divided into two grounds by its scale. There are 26 and 35 public junior high schools that have more then 15 classes for Taipei city and County respectively. On the other hand, there are 33 schools in Taipei city have classes that is below 15 and 27 schools at Taipei County. The samples were drawn from 33 classes in 19 schools. 1320 questionnaires were administered and 1,200 were returned. However, 1,150 questionnaires are valid. The results indicate that well family functions is most significant predictor for overall life skills, followed by superior academic performance, female student, study on Taipei City schools and religious believers. Otherwise, superior academic performance is the most significant predictor for interpersonal life skills, and followed by female student, well family function, religious believers and study on Taipei City schools. For cognitive life skills, the most powerful predictor is also well family function, followed by superior academic performance, higher school social demographic status, female student and religious believers. Well family function is still the most significant predictor for emotional coping life skills, followed by superior academic performance and study on Taipei City schools. The first priority on students’ need of Life skill education is “how to promotes interpersonal skills” and the least important one is “how to promotes criticizing thinking”. The top 3 learning resources for life skills knowledge were obtained from the network, television, classmates. The need of someone who teaches life skills is parents, school teacher, classmate and friends. The formations of the concept in learning life skills are : the discussion, expression, situated analogy, brain-storming, case analysis, and presentation ; Exercising of the concept in learning life skills includes living performing, creation of principle, expression, and the revision; Maintenance of Life skills concept is kept through the exchange, observation, emulation, demonstration, and reward. The teaching material contents are expected to present in the form of picture, cartoon, on-line game, drama, and videotape. Students felt difficulties on academic works, interpersonal communication, time management and self management and mentioned that they need help to deal with academic works, time management, financial problems, parents-children relationships and friendships. In further investigation, a modified questionnaire is important in order to collect more useful data on different skills for more discussion and references. As for the life skills education, it is advised to involve various life skills into different learning area via favorite methods of students at school education. Finally, maximizing life skills of parents can increase the family function through parenthood.en_US
dc.subjectlife skillsen_US
dc.subjectcognitive skillsen_US
dc.subjectsocial skillsen_US
dc.subjectemotional coping skillsen_US
dc.titleSurvey in life skills of seventh grader of Taipei City and County junior high school regarding current situations and the needs of education.en_US

