本論文欲從語義、句法及語用之角度來探討現代漢語「好」。「好」在現代漢語中包含多種語義,且具有多種功能,根據Halliday(1985,1994,2004)所提出的純理功能,本文將從「好」的概念功能(ideational function)、語篇功能(textual function)、人際功能(interpersonal function)三個層次來探討。
在概念功能(ideational functional)層次,本文將探討多義現象,包括核心語義及延伸語義化,進而探討其句法功能。在坊間語法書,拿《現代漢語八百詞》為例,就列出了十多種不同的語義,但歸根究底,「好」的核心語義卻只有一個,本文認為「好」為一多義詞(polysemy),從核心語義衍生出「友好」、「健康」、「容易」、「效果好」、「有利於」等延伸語義。在句法方面,各家學者認為「好」作形容詞和副詞是無庸置疑的,本文將討論「好」在句中之功能,除了形容詞和副詞之外,「好」還有變化動詞的用法,亦可作動詞後置成分,此外在有所爭議的詞性上加以討論。
在語篇功能(textual function)層次,和「好」是一個言談標記,只有「促進言談進行」之作用,本身並無「命題」上的涵義。本論文以會話言談口語語料來分析「好」的話語功能,「好」在會話結構中是一個「結束標記」,用來指出某活動的終止或談話的結束,進而發展成一個「過渡標記」,具有連接、轉換對話之功能,常可搭配時態「了」的使用。
在人際功能(interactional function)層次,「好」作「反饋標記」,表現下列語言行為:(1)接受;(2)執行;(3)確認。常可搭配言談標記:啊」、「吧」等。
We have approached the research in the following thesis from both semantic and pragmatic angles. The Chinese word hao contains a remarkable number of semantic meanings and functions, based on Halliday’s meta-linguistic theory, in which “ hao” is analyzed from three different levels: namely, ideational functions, textual functions, and interpersonal functions. On the ideational level, the core meaning of the word hao has led to a wide semantic range. Many grammar books, “xiandaihanyubabaici”現代漢語八百詞 being one example, list more than 10 different meanings for the word “hao”. While on the surface it would seem that hao has only one basic meaning, this core semantic use has nonetheless extended to a wide polysemous range of uses based upon this core meaning. From a grammatical perspective, many scholars conceive of hao’s syntactical function as either adjectival or adverbial. Besides those grammatical uses, “hao” can also function as a process verb or as a post verb. This thesis will discuss the full grammatical range of this word. On a textual level, “hao” is used as a discourse marker. While in this sense in carries no intrinsic meaning, it nevertheless can be used to make dialogical and monological transitions more cohesive. This thesis will analyze this function of “hao”, using data from daily speech. Hao also functions as a closure marker in the structure of conversational discourse, predicating a following subject. This use parallels one of the uses of “le”. On an interactional or interpersonal level, “ hao” can function as a recipient tokens, that is, as a back channel indicating that the speaker’s discourse has been received. These can be categorized as interactional speech acts, such as: (1) acceptance, (2)undertaking , (3) acknowledgment. On this level, “hao” often appears in conjunction with “a” or “ba”.
We have approached the research in the following thesis from both semantic and pragmatic angles. The Chinese word hao contains a remarkable number of semantic meanings and functions, based on Halliday’s meta-linguistic theory, in which “ hao” is analyzed from three different levels: namely, ideational functions, textual functions, and interpersonal functions. On the ideational level, the core meaning of the word hao has led to a wide semantic range. Many grammar books, “xiandaihanyubabaici”現代漢語八百詞 being one example, list more than 10 different meanings for the word “hao”. While on the surface it would seem that hao has only one basic meaning, this core semantic use has nonetheless extended to a wide polysemous range of uses based upon this core meaning. From a grammatical perspective, many scholars conceive of hao’s syntactical function as either adjectival or adverbial. Besides those grammatical uses, “hao” can also function as a process verb or as a post verb. This thesis will discuss the full grammatical range of this word. On a textual level, “hao” is used as a discourse marker. While in this sense in carries no intrinsic meaning, it nevertheless can be used to make dialogical and monological transitions more cohesive. This thesis will analyze this function of “hao”, using data from daily speech. Hao also functions as a closure marker in the structure of conversational discourse, predicating a following subject. This use parallels one of the uses of “le”. On an interactional or interpersonal level, “ hao” can function as a recipient tokens, that is, as a back channel indicating that the speaker’s discourse has been received. These can be categorized as interactional speech acts, such as: (1) acceptance, (2)undertaking , (3) acknowledgment. On this level, “hao” often appears in conjunction with “a” or “ba”.
純理功能, 多義詞, 語法化, 反饋項目, 言談標記, metalinguistic, polysemy, grammaticalize, discourse marker, recipient tokens